Standalone server for sending out notifications with pluggable service providers
The current design is based on Go plugins and follow a specific plugin spec
. The compiled plugins are loaded during runtime. Any plugin specific configuration is baked into the plugin itself.
Hedwig exposes a protected HTTP endpoint to enqueue incoming messages which are required to follow a common message spec
Status: This project is currently undergoing development. Expect breaking changes (especially to plugins).
- Service providers are loaded as compiled Go plugins
- Underlying resiliancy and persistance provided by asynq
- Scheduled notifications
- Queue from any source that talks HTTP
A sample plugin would look like:
package main
import (
const (
pluginName string = "mailgun"
type client struct {
mailgunClient *mailgun.MailgunImpl
func New() (interface{}, error) {
mg := mailgun.NewMailgun("", "")
return &client{
mailgunClient: mg,
}, nil
func (c *client) PluginName() string {
return pluginName
func (c *client) HealthCheck() bool {
// check if you have enough credits e.t.c.
// TODO: not implemnted in Hedwig yet
return true
func (c *client) Push(msg message.Message) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
defer cancel()
mail := c.mailgunClient.NewMessage("Domain <noreply@your.domain>", msg.Title, "", msg.To)
// msg.Params for additional properties that you want to include
mail.AddVariable("link", msg.Params[0])
mail.AddVariable("action", msg.Params[1])
mail.AddVariable("message", msg.Content)
_, _, err := c.mailgunClient.Send(ctx, mail)
if err != nil {
// return errors only if you want to keep retrying
// return nil in cases where the service is blocked by the receipient e.t.c.
return err
return nil
- Go 1.6
- Make
- Redis server (add to
$ cp config.example.json config.json
# Edit config.json
$ make build
$ ./hedwig
# Hedwig will look for plugins in the root folder and load them at run time
Queue notifications by sending a request in the format:
> POST /push?key=test HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:3000
> Content-Type: application/json
> Accept: */*
| {
| "to": "135207785",
| "service": "telegram",
| "title": "hello from hedwig",
| "content": "test123",
| "delay": 1,
| }
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
| {
| "message": "6c9d0793-41e8-438c-9181-170af6a6da7f",
| "ok": true
| }