This project was created to understand in depth CSS and HTML, it's possibilities, different styles, theory build around this languages, etc. Also, to experiment and learn what these languages in offer.
Each folder in the project presents different mini-project, which focuses on something different. Some of them has been created through following tutorials, some of them been just pure experiment, done in order to learn more about specific CSS functions and other are just done for fun to make something pretty.
In order to run each mini-project you need to have installed Live Server Extension in VS Code. Click on html of picked project and chose option "Open with Live Server". In your browser should open up new page with the content of the project.
Useful materials and links:
Created through following this tutorial:
Icons are from :
Random text comes from:
Experimenting with different CSS elements
Trying different grid layouts by following this tutorial:
Or rather a bit ugly duckling, but oh well, we all need to start somewhere. I even created a codepen for it -
It was quite useful to use and learn a bit more about grid display in CSS - seems to be nice to use so far. Where I think I made a mistake are the margins - I think there could be better way to deal with positioning elements on the screen than overusing them.
Here is the article explaining grid:
As title say: hamburger menu. Icon of cat by DinosoftLab from the Noun Project; icon of an owl by Maxim Kulikov from the Noun Project, icon of a fish in the bowl by ibrandify from the Noun Project;
In order to make sass work I used this command line inside DropdownMenu folder:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css