This project acts as Provider Service
that helps in implementing OpenWhisk Feeds
via Connections
In this demo provider service registers JMS Listeners to make JMS Destinations Queues/Topics a event source to OpenWhisk triggers. When ever a message is sent to the JMS Destination this Feed will fire all the associated Triggers with event data as payload.
This demo assumes are messages are sent as JSON string. |
Refer to the following links for more information on Triggers, Rules and Feeds
Deploy to OpenShift using link:./artemis/artemis.yml
Deploy OpenWhisk on Minishift
Apache CouchDB will be used to persist the trigger data
oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin developer -n openwhisk |
Enable the
is required for CouchDB to run as user withanyuid
As described in Pre-requisite section this application uses Apache CouchDB to persist the provider trigger data. The following command shows how to deploy CouchDB:
oc apply -f couchdb/couchdb.yaml (1)
Deploys CouchDB in OpenShift and sets up the CouchDB for Single Node Environment as said in
OpenWhisk Deployment already has CouchDB deployed, if you wish to use it you can alter the spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts in link:./src/main/resources/application.yaml. Just for sake of clarity and to prevent any mess with OpenWhisk data its recommened to deploy seperate. |
As described in Pre-requisite section this application uses as the Message Broker. The following command shows how to deploy Apache Artemis:
oc apply -f artemis/artemis.yml (1)
Deploys Apache Artemis in OpenShift
Currently the Apache Artemis Console is not accessible via ip in Minishift, hence the dpeloyment has defined node ports for enabling access outside cluster |