This repository is purely for reference and is illustrative in it is purpose. This is one of the many ways of implementing this algorithm, but represents a vanilla implementation without any additional packages.
This project illustrates an implementation of a Trie or Prefix-Tree structure Trie in TypeScript with implementations of inserting, searching, suggestions, and deleting.
A Trie (pronounced "try") is a tree-like data structure used to efficiently store and search for words or sequences, especially when working with prefixes. Each node represents a character, and paths through the tree spell out words. For example, in a Trie storing "cat," "car," and "cart," the first three nodes would share the common prefix "ca." Tries are great for autocomplete, dictionary storage, and prefix-based searching because they allow quick lookups by following the path of characters.
- Dictionary Storage: A Trie can store words like "apple," "apply," and "apt," efficiently organizing them by their common prefixes.
- Phone Directory: A Trie can store contacts like "John," "Johnny," and "Joanna," enabling fast lookups starting with "Jo."
- IP Routing: In network systems, a Trie can store and search IP address prefixes for routing decisions.
A Trie is an efficient data structure for storing and searching strings allowing word operations to be performed in O(n) time, where n is the length of the word, regardless of the number of words stored.
- IN BLUE Given the words albany, album, alice a Trie search for album searches for by walking
- a -> l -> b -> u -> m instead of searching through the 3 words for a match
- IN GREEN Given the words bob, book, born a Trie search for book searches for by walking
- b -> o -> o -> k instead of searching through the 3 words for a match
graph TD;
Root[Root Trie Node]-->a;
albany-->-stop@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "End" }
album-->album-stop@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "End" }
alice-->alice-stop@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "End" }
bob-->bob-stop@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "End" }
book-->book-stop@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "End" }
born-->born-stop@{ shape: dbl-circ, label: "End" }
style a fill:#2980b9
style al fill:#2980b9
style alb fill:#2980b9
style albu fill:#2980b9
style album fill:#2980b9
style album-stop fill:#e74c3c
style b fill:#27ae60
style bo fill:#27ae60
style boo fill:#27ae60
style book fill:#27ae60
style book-stop fill:#e74c3c
Before you continue, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- NodeJS v20 or higher installed
- Npm installed
- The application runs as an standard ExpressJS application on port 3000. Ensure that npm install is run prior to executing the following command :
- npm run serve
- open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000
- you should see the following
- This repository is heavily commented to provide context as to what and why, if in VS Code feel free to collapse all comments if they are obtrusive
- On Mac -> Press ⌘ + K then ⌘ + /
- On Windows & Linux -> Press Ctrl + K then Ctrl + /