Direct Unsupervised Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Network (DUS-GAN) for Real-World Data
The repository contains the official code for the work "Direct Unsupervised Super-Resolution using Generative Adversarial Network (DUS-GAN) for Real-World Data" published in an IEEE Transaction in Image Processing (TIP).
- Pre-Trained models
The pre-trained model for is shared with the repository..
- Training the model
Training code has been released. To train the network, run the following command.
python -opt path_for_training_json_file
Note the following changes are needed to run the code.
- Need to provide pre-train QA network path at line number 307 for model/ file.
- Change the root folder and training dataset path into train_ntireEx.json file located at options/train folder.
- Testng the model
To test your/our pre-trained model, you need to set root directory and dataset directory into options/test/test_ntire_ex.json
file. Then run the following command to start the training.
python -opt PATH-to-json_file
- Requirement of packages
The list of packages required to run the code is given in chasnet.yml
We are thankful to Xinntao for their ESRGAN code using which this work has been implemented. For any problem, you may contact at