WhereNow is a jQuery plugin to do location and time based applications. It will gather all the information necessary and allow you to specify a home panel.
It grew from a need for an Event app I was working on. We wanted to display relevant information at specific times during an event, and it would be different if you were actually at the event or you just had the app.
The new API differs a lot from my original plan, though it definitely encourages and enables a greater flexibility in use.
// You can have as many as you want
var locations = [
// required properties
lat: 29.7811774,
lng: -95.5603266,
times: [
// required
start: new Date('2010-08-26 13:00:00'),
// optional, and used by the plugin
end: new Date('2010-08-26 14:00:00'),
success: function(whereNow, location) {}, // This overwrites the location success method
// now, whatever else you want
name: 'Session 1'
start: new Date('2010-08-26 14:15:00'),
end: new Date('2010-08-26 15:15:00'),
name: 'Session 2'
// optional
// This will be used if there is not a success method in the times object
success: function(whereNow, location) {}
}, {...}
var wN = $.whereNow(locations, {
// in miles
radius: .25,
// how long between checks in milliseconds
delay: 3000,
// If you want to use Gears or some other geolocation api (it just needs to have a getLocation method
api: null,
// When you want to stop the repetitive checking of location and time.
// Can be null, which means that it will never stop checking.
stopAt: new Date('2010-08-26 23:00:00'),
// gets called after everything is complete
complete: function(whereNow) {},
// only gets called if not defined within a specific location
success: function(whereNow, location, currentCoordinates) {},
// gets called on error, with the error from the API
error: function(error, whereNow) {}