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7 Commits

Repository files navigation

Git Configuration

git config --global alias.[alias name] "[command]" Add alias for command
git config --global checkout
git config --global "!func() { git add -u; git commit -m \"${1}\"; }; func"
git config --global core.editor "[path to editor]" Set global editor
git config --global credential.helper "[path to credential helper]" Set global credential helper
git config --global -e Edit global configuration
Example to set Visual Studio Code as a diff editor:
tool = default-difftool
[difftool "default-difftool"]
cmd = [code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE ]
git config --list --show-origin Show all git config files

Create a Repository

git clone [project url] Clone from an existing repository
git init [project name] Create a new local repository

Make a change

git add . Mark only new and modified as staged
git add -A Mark all (untracked, new, modified and changed) files as staged
git add -u Mark only tracked changed files as staged
git commit -am"[commit message]" Commit all tracked files with a message
git commit -m"[commit message]" Commit changes
git cherry-pick [commit id] Apply specific change identified by commit id on current branch
git rebase --continue Continue rebase after resolve merge confict(s)
git stash Stash current changes for later
git stash apply Apply latest stashed change
git stash drop Delete lastest change from stash list
git stash drop [stash number] Delete change with specific number from stash list
git stash list Show list of stashed changes
git tag [tag name] Create a tag on latest commit
git tag -a [tag name] Add tag with a message
git commit --amend -m"[Message]"
git push --force-with-lease
Change last commit message

Undone a change

git reset --soft HEAD~1 Reset changes from HEAD to penultimate commit, last commit is undone and staged
git reset --mixed HEAD~1 Reset changes from HEAD to penultimate commit, last commit changes are visible but not staged
git reset --hard HEAD~1 Reset changes from HEAD to penultimate commit, last commit are not visible
git reset --hard origin\[branch name] Reset local changes from HEAD to last remote commit
git checkout HEAD [file] Undo specific file to last commit
git clean -d -f Clean all local changes


git fetch Get remote changes from origin but without merge
git fetch --prune Refresh remote branches
git push Push staged changes to origin repository
git push origin +HEAD Push local HEAD over the remote HEAD
git push --tags Push tags
git pull Fetch and merge from origin
git pull --rebase Fetch, merge and rebase latest changes from origin

Observe a Repository

git blame [file] Show differences between the first and second commit id
git diff HEAD Show all staged and unstaged file changes
git diff --cached Show changes between staged files and repository
git diff [commit id]..[commit id] Show differences between the first and second commit id
git log -u [filename] Show all commits related to files
git log -p [file/directory] Show change history for file/directory including diffs
git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph --simplify-by-decoration Show only relationship between commits by graph
git log --oneline Show log with only one message per line
git log --oneline --graph Show log as graph
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate Show log as graph for all branches decorated by tags, HEAD, source and target branch
git log [source branch]..[branch to see changes on] --oneline Show log only for specific branch
git shortlog Show shortlog (with name of commiter)
git shortlog -sne Show shortlog as a numbered summary with emails of commiters
git show [commit id]:[file] Show the file changes for a commit id and/or file
git status Show status of changes

Working with Branches

git branch -av List all branches, local and remote
git branch [branch name] Create branch
git branch -m [new branch name] Rename local branch
git branch -d [branch name] Delete local branch
git branch -D [branch name] Force to delete local branch (event if not pushed to the remote)
git branch [branch name] [commit id] Create branch based on specific commit
git checkout [branch name] Switch to branch
git checkout -b [branch name] Create and checkout the created branch
git merge [branch name from merge to] Merge specific branch into current branch
git push origin [branch name] Create new remote branch
git push origin --delete feature/new-feature Delete the remote branch
git rebase [target branch]
git checkout [master]
git merge [source branch]
Relocate change from source branch on target branch
git reflog
git [branch name] [id of reference taken from reflog]
Recreate local deleted branch
git stash branch [branch name] Create new branch and apply latest stashed change
git stash branch [branch name] [stash number] Create new branch and apply stashed change with specific number
git --set-upstream [local branch name] origin/[remote branch name] Setup connection between local and remote branch
git --set-upstream origin [remote branch name] Setup connection between current and remote branch


git command --help Git help on specific command


Git Cheat Sheet repository






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