git config --global alias.[alias name] "[command]" |
Add alias for command Examples: git config --global checkout git config --global "!func() { git add -u; git commit -m \"${1}\"; }; func" |
git config --global core.editor "[path to editor]" |
Set global editor |
git config --global credential.helper "[path to credential helper]" |
Set global credential helper |
git config --global -e |
Edit global configuration Example to set Visual Studio Code as a diff editor: [diff] tool = default-difftool [difftool "default-difftool"] cmd = [code --wait --diff $LOCAL $REMOTE ] |
git config --list --show-origin |
Show all git config files |
git clone [project url] |
Clone from an existing repository |
git init [project name] |
Create a new local repository |
git add . |
Mark only new and modified as staged |
git add -A |
Mark all (untracked, new, modified and changed) files as staged |
git add -u |
Mark only tracked changed files as staged |
git commit -am"[commit message]" |
Commit all tracked files with a message |
git commit -m"[commit message]" |
Commit changes |
git cherry-pick [commit id] |
Apply specific change identified by commit id on current branch |
git rebase --continue |
Continue rebase after resolve merge confict(s) |
git stash |
Stash current changes for later |
git stash apply |
Apply latest stashed change |
git stash drop |
Delete lastest change from stash list |
git stash drop [stash number] |
Delete change with specific number from stash list |
git stash list |
Show list of stashed changes |
git tag [tag name] |
Create a tag on latest commit |
git tag -a [tag name] |
Add tag with a message |
git commit --amend -m"[Message]" git push --force-with-lease |
Change last commit message |
git reset --soft HEAD~1 |
Reset changes from HEAD to penultimate commit, last commit is undone and staged |
git reset --mixed HEAD~1 |
Reset changes from HEAD to penultimate commit, last commit changes are visible but not staged |
git reset --hard HEAD~1 |
Reset changes from HEAD to penultimate commit, last commit are not visible |
git reset --hard origin\[branch name] |
Reset local changes from HEAD to last remote commit |
git checkout HEAD [file] |
Undo specific file to last commit |
git clean -d -f |
Clean all local changes |
git fetch |
Get remote changes from origin but without merge |
git fetch --prune |
Refresh remote branches |
git push |
Push staged changes to origin repository |
git push origin +HEAD |
Push local HEAD over the remote HEAD |
git push --tags |
Push tags |
git pull |
Fetch and merge from origin |
git pull --rebase |
Fetch, merge and rebase latest changes from origin |
git blame [file] |
Show differences between the first and second commit id |
git diff HEAD |
Show all staged and unstaged file changes |
git diff --cached |
Show changes between staged files and repository |
git diff [commit id]..[commit id] |
Show differences between the first and second commit id |
git log -u [filename] |
Show all commits related to files |
git log -p [file/directory] |
Show change history for file/directory including diffs |
git log --all --decorate --oneline --graph --simplify-by-decoration |
Show only relationship between commits by graph |
git log --oneline |
Show log with only one message per line |
git log --oneline --graph |
Show log as graph |
git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate |
Show log as graph for all branches decorated by tags, HEAD, source and target branch |
git log [source branch]..[branch to see changes on] --oneline |
Show log only for specific branch |
git shortlog |
Show shortlog (with name of commiter) |
git shortlog -sne |
Show shortlog as a numbered summary with emails of commiters |
git show [commit id]:[file] |
Show the file changes for a commit id and/or file |
git status |
Show status of changes |
git branch -av |
List all branches, local and remote |
git branch [branch name] |
Create branch |
git branch -m [new branch name] |
Rename local branch |
git branch -d [branch name] |
Delete local branch |
git branch -D [branch name] |
Force to delete local branch (event if not pushed to the remote) |
git branch [branch name] [commit id] |
Create branch based on specific commit |
git checkout [branch name] |
Switch to branch |
git checkout -b [branch name] |
Create and checkout the created branch |
git merge [branch name from merge to] |
Merge specific branch into current branch |
git push origin [branch name] |
Create new remote branch |
git push origin --delete feature/new-feature |
Delete the remote branch |
git rebase [target branch] git checkout [master] git merge [source branch] |
Relocate change from source branch on target branch |
git reflog git [branch name] [id of reference taken from reflog] |
Recreate local deleted branch |
git stash branch [branch name] |
Create new branch and apply latest stashed change |
git stash branch [branch name] [stash number] |
Create new branch and apply stashed change with specific number |
git --set-upstream [local branch name] origin/[remote branch name] |
Setup connection between local and remote branch |
git --set-upstream origin [remote branch name] |
Setup connection between current and remote branch |
git command --help |
Git help on specific command |