This is an experimental render taking certain inspirations from the Nori renderer. I plan to follow the PBR Book (3ed) in my pursuit to create a Pathtracer.
I initially started this project in C++, but I quickly realized that rather than learning what was going on behind the scenes, I started copying code verbatim, or with minimal changes. What did I do next? Why I switched over to Rust! With its borrow-checker and type-system I hope to better learn how to manage different coding patterns accross different languages.
Current To-Do list -
Move away from Nori towards a more PBR-like implementationSince it is in Rust, the implementation is fundamentally different -
Add Geometry stuff (coordinate systems, vectors, points, rays, b boxes, transformations and interactions)
Add animated transformations
Add Shapes
Cylinders, Disks
Quadrics, Curves
Triangle Meshes
Subdivision Surfaces
Add Primitives interface
Add aggregates Bounding Volume Heirarchy
Add Spectra and Color stuff
Add Camera models
Orthographic camera
Perspective camera
Environment (panoramic) camera
Add samplers
Stratified sampler
Other samplers
Add Film and Writer
Add BxDFs
Add textures (procedural and images)
Add Volumes!!!!!!
Add Light sources
Create Direct integrator
Create recursive Path integrator
Create Volume Renderer
Create Bidirectional Renderer
Create Photon Mapping integrator (maybe)
Add parallelism
And much much more....
Note - This list of to-dos is NOT exhaustive it is just what I could think up of right now