Implementation of Retrosynthesis Prediction with LocalRetro developed by prof. Yousung Jung group at KAIST (now moved to SNU, contact:
The open-source license and part of the codes are removed from our project on 2024.05.30.
Shuan Chen (contact:
- Python (version >= 3.6)
- Numpy (version >= 1.16.4)
- PyTorch (version >= 1.0.0)
- RDKit (version >= 2019)
- DGL (version >= 0.5.2)
- DGLLife (version >= 0.2.6)
Create a virtual environment to run the code of LocalRetro.
Install pytorch with the cuda version that fits your device.
cd LocalRetro
conda create -c conda-forge -n rdenv python=3.7 -y
conda activate rdenv
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch -y
conda install -c conda-forge rdkit -y
pip install dgl
pip install dgllife
Shuan Chen and Yousung Jung. Deep Retrosynthetic Reaction Prediction using Local Reactivity and Global Attention, JACS Au 2021.
See the README in ./data
to download the raw data files for training and testing the model.
A two-step data preprocessing is needed to train the LocalRetro model.
First go to the data processing folder
cd preprocessing
and extract the reaction template with specified dataset name (default: USPTO_50K).
python -d USPTO_50K
This will give you four files, including
(1) atom_templates.csv
(2) bond_templates.csv
(3) template_infos.csv
(4) template_rxnclass.csv (if train_class.csv exists in data folder)
By running
python -d USPTO_50K
You can get four preprocessed files, including
(1) preprocessed_train.csv
(2) preprocessed_val.csv
(3) preprocessed_test.csv
(4) labeled_data.csv
Go to the localretro folder
cd ../scripts
and run the following to train the model with specified dataset (default: USPTO_50K)
python -d USPTO_50K
The trained model will be saved at LocalRetro/models/LocalRetro_USPTO_50K.pth
To use the model to test on test set, simply run
python -d USPTO_50K
to get the raw prediction file saved at LocalRetro/outputs/raw_prediction/LocalRetro_USPTO_50K.txt
Finally you can get the reactants of each prediciton by decoding the raw prediction file
python -d USPTO_50K
The decoded reactants will be saved at