This is an unoffical implementation of multimodal Skip-gram model. Forked from Word2Vec in C++11.
- g++ >= 4.8.5
- Boost >= 1.53.0
- openblas >= 0.3.3
- HDF5 (library) >= 1.8.12
# compile sources
$ make
# By -h option, you can find the details of its options
$ ./word2vec -h
Usage : ./word2vec [options] input_path
Allowed options:
-h [ --help ] help.
-m [ --mode ] arg (=train) Mode train/test.
-o [ --output ] arg (=./vectors.bin) Output path.
-d [ --dim ] arg (=300) Dimensionality of word embedding.
-w [ --window ] arg (=5) Window size.
-s [ --sample ] arg (=0.00100000005) Subsampling probability.
-c [ --min-count ] arg (=5) The minimum frequency of words.
-n [ --negative ] arg (=5) The number of negative samples.
-a [ --alpha ] arg (=0.0250000004) The initial learning rate.
-b [ --min-alpha ] arg (=9.99999975e-05)
The minimum learning rate.
-p [ --n_workers ] arg (=0) The number of threads
-f [ --format ] arg (=bin) Output file format: bin/text
-i [ --iteration ] arg (=5) The number of iterations
-M [ --method ] arg (=HS) Methos: HierarchicalSoftmax(HS)/Negativ
-I [ --multimodal-input ] arg Path to multimodal feature file
--input_path arg Path to input file
With the --multimodal-input
option, it works as multimodal skip-gram model, otherwise it just the same as the ordinary word2vec. Image search demo can be found in notebook/image_search.ipynb
- The parameter learning scheme may be different from that of the original MM-Skipgram.