The sections of this project:
- Compact Number Format
- Remapping Functions With Logical Operators
- Even & Odd Numbers
- Golden Ratio
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Least Common Multiple
- Cubes & Roots
- Big Decimals Multiplication
- Big Integer Raising
- Big Integer Randomly Generating
- Clamp Numbers & Compare Big Decimals
- Means: Harmonic, Geometric, Arithmetic, Quadratic
- Summary Statistics
- Bayes' Theorem: Randomized Trials Launcher
- Bayes' Theorem: Statistical Measures
Java source code:
1. With the batch file
'01 MVN clean install + Run Application.bat' launch the
1. The compact number format. The method
Console log from 'NumberInCompactForm::format' method.
2. The remapping functions with logical operators. The method
Console log from 'Logic::mergeMap' method.
3. Segregating with the method 'Collectors::partitioningBy'.
The method
Console log from 'EvenAndOddNumbers::segregate' method.
4. Computing the golden ratio with different scales. The method
Console log from 'GoldenRatio::compute' method.
5. Computing the Fibonacci numbers with different algorithms.
The method
Console log from 'FibonacciNumbers::compute' method.
6. Computing the least common multiple. The method
Console log from 'LeastCommonMultiple::compute' method.
7. Computing the cubes and the roots.
The method
Console log from 'CubesAndRoots::compute' method.
8. Multiplicating the 'BigDecimal'. The method
Console log from 'BigDecimalsFromStringRepresentation::multiply' method.
9. Raising the 'BigInteger' with the specified value to the specified exponent value.
The method
The screenshot of the console log from 'VeryBigIntegerRaised::compute' method.
10. Generating the 'BigInteger' with the 'SecureRandom'.
The method
Console log from 'VeryBigIntegerRandomlyGenerated::compute' method.
11. Clamping the numbers and comparing the BigDecimal numbers.
The method 'kp.math.ClampNumbersAndCompareBigDecimals::clampNumbers'.
Console log from 'ClampNumbersAndCompareBigDecimals::clampNumbers' method.
The method 'kp.math.ClampNumbersAndCompareBigDecimals::compareBigDecimals'.
Console log from 'ClampNumbersAndCompareBigDecimals::compareBigDecimals' method.
12. Computing the means with the method 'Collectors::teeing'.
The method
Console log from 'Means::computeMeansWithTeeing' method.
13. Computing the average with the method 'LongStream::average' and
the 'LongSummaryStatistics' with the method 'LongStream::summaryStatistics'.
The method
Console log from 'SummaryStatistics::show' method.
14. Launching the series of randomized trials.
The method
Console log from 'RandomizedTrialsLauncher::launchSeriesOfTrials' method.
15. Measuring the samples for the Bayes Formula.
The method
The screenshot of the console log from 'StatisticalMeasures::measureSamples' method.