Semicon is a collection of icons (called semicons) for the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data world.
Semicon is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons "CC BY", which includes usage for commercial projects too. Backlink appreciated, but not required. I would love to hear about your project(s) using semicon.
If you want to contribute an icon, feel free to open a new pull request. Or send its SVG-version to me (contact details see my profile). In doing that, you accept the icon to be published under license of this repository.
You can choose between the SVG and PNG version of the icons. Simply download the icon set here, extract it into your images folder and enjoy.
You can sponsor an icon. Feel free to contact me, if you are interested (contact details here). This would not only provide further icons for the community but also helps covering my expenses maintaining the icons.
Or you can become one of my patreons:
I provide paid support for semicon. For instance. if you want new icons, which should not be publicly available. Contact details here.