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[SPARK-24478][SQL] Move projection and filter push down to physical c…
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## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This removes the v2 optimizer rule for push-down and instead pushes filters and required columns when converting to a physical plan, as suggested by marmbrus. This makes the v2 relation cleaner because the output and filters do not change in the logical plan.

A side-effect of this change is that the stats from the logical (optimized) plan no longer reflect pushed filters and projection. This is a temporary state, until the planner gathers stats from the physical plan instead. An alternative to this approach is rdblue@9d3a11e.

The first commit was proposed in apache#21262. This PR replaces apache#21262.

## How was this patch tested?

Existing tests.

Author: Ryan Blue <>

Closes apache#21503 from rdblue/SPARK-24478-move-push-down-to-physical-conversion.
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rdblue authored and cloud-fan committed Jun 15, 2018
1 parent 270a9a3 commit 22daeba
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* A mix in interface for {@link DataSourceReader}. Data source readers can implement this
* interface to report statistics to Spark.
* Statistics are reported to the optimizer before a projection or any filters are pushed to the
* DataSourceReader. Implementations that return more accurate statistics based on projection and
* filters will not improve query performance until the planner can push operators before getting
* stats.
public interface SupportsReportStatistics extends DataSourceReader {
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.ExperimentalMethods
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.SessionCatalog
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.Optimizer
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PruneFileSourcePartitions
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.PushDownOperatorsToDataSource
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python.ExtractPythonUDFFromAggregate

class SparkOptimizer(
Expand All @@ -32,8 +31,7 @@ class SparkOptimizer(
override def batches: Seq[Batch] = (preOptimizationBatches ++ super.batches :+
Batch("Optimize Metadata Only Query", Once, OptimizeMetadataOnlyQuery(catalog)) :+
Batch("Extract Python UDF from Aggregate", Once, ExtractPythonUDFFromAggregate) :+
Batch("Prune File Source Table Partitions", Once, PruneFileSourcePartitions) :+
Batch("Push down operators to data source scan", Once, PushDownOperatorsToDataSource)) ++
Batch("Prune File Source Table Partitions", Once, PruneFileSourcePartitions)) ++
postHocOptimizationBatches :+
Batch("User Provided Optimizers", fixedPoint, experimentalMethods.extraOptimizations: _*)

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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.MultiInstanceRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{AttributeReference, Expression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.QueryPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LeafNode, LogicalPlan, Statistics}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSourceStrategy
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, Filter}
Expand All @@ -32,79 +31,35 @@ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

case class DataSourceV2Relation(
source: DataSourceV2,
output: Seq[AttributeReference],
options: Map[String, String],
projection: Seq[AttributeReference],
filters: Option[Seq[Expression]] = None,
userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType] = None)
extends LeafNode with MultiInstanceRelation with DataSourceV2StringFormat {

import DataSourceV2Relation._

override def simpleString: String = "RelationV2 " + metadataString

override lazy val schema: StructType = reader.readSchema()

override lazy val output: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
// use the projection attributes to avoid assigning new ids. fields that are not projected
// will be assigned new ids, which is okay because they are not projected.
val attrMap = => -> a).toMap => attrMap.getOrElse(,
AttributeReference(, f.dataType, f.nullable, f.metadata)()))

private lazy val v2Options: DataSourceOptions = makeV2Options(options)
override def pushedFilters: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty

// postScanFilters: filters that need to be evaluated after the scan.
// pushedFilters: filters that will be pushed down and evaluated in the underlying data sources.
// Note: postScanFilters and pushedFilters can overlap, e.g. the parquet row group filter.
lazy val (
reader: DataSourceReader,
postScanFilters: Seq[Expression],
pushedFilters: Seq[Expression]) = {
val newReader = userSpecifiedSchema match {
case Some(s) =>
source.asReadSupportWithSchema.createReader(s, v2Options)
case _ =>

DataSourceV2Relation.pushRequiredColumns(newReader, projection.toStructType)

val (postScanFilters, pushedFilters) = filters match {
case Some(filterSeq) =>
DataSourceV2Relation.pushFilters(newReader, filterSeq)
case _ =>
(Nil, Nil)
logInfo(s"Post-Scan Filters: ${postScanFilters.mkString(",")}")
logInfo(s"Pushed Filters: ${pushedFilters.mkString(", ")}")

(newReader, postScanFilters, pushedFilters)

override def doCanonicalize(): LogicalPlan = {
val c = super.doCanonicalize().asInstanceOf[DataSourceV2Relation]
override def simpleString: String = "RelationV2 " + metadataString

// override output with canonicalized output to avoid attempting to configure a reader
val canonicalOutput: Seq[AttributeReference] = this.output
.map(a => QueryPlan.normalizeExprId(a, projection))
lazy val v2Options: DataSourceOptions = makeV2Options(options)

new DataSourceV2Relation(c.source, c.options, c.projection) {
override lazy val output: Seq[AttributeReference] = canonicalOutput
def newReader: DataSourceReader = userSpecifiedSchema match {
case Some(userSchema) =>
source.asReadSupportWithSchema.createReader(userSchema, v2Options)
case None =>

override def computeStats(): Statistics = reader match {
override def computeStats(): Statistics = newReader match {
case r: SupportsReportStatistics =>
Statistics(sizeInBytes = r.getStatistics.sizeInBytes().orElse(conf.defaultSizeInBytes))
case _ =>
Statistics(sizeInBytes = conf.defaultSizeInBytes)

override def newInstance(): DataSourceV2Relation = {
// projection is used to maintain id assignment.
// if projection is not set, use output so the copy is not equal to the original
copy(projection =
copy(output =

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,21 +161,27 @@ object DataSourceV2Relation {
def create(
source: DataSourceV2,
options: Map[String, String],
filters: Option[Seq[Expression]] = None,
userSpecifiedSchema: Option[StructType] = None): DataSourceV2Relation = {
val projection = schema(source, makeV2Options(options), userSpecifiedSchema).toAttributes
DataSourceV2Relation(source, options, projection, filters, userSpecifiedSchema)
val output = schema(source, makeV2Options(options), userSpecifiedSchema).toAttributes
DataSourceV2Relation(source, output, options, userSpecifiedSchema)

private def pushRequiredColumns(reader: DataSourceReader, struct: StructType): Unit = {
def pushRequiredColumns(
relation: DataSourceV2Relation,
reader: DataSourceReader,
struct: StructType): Seq[AttributeReference] = {
reader match {
case projectionSupport: SupportsPushDownRequiredColumns =>
// return the output columns from the relation that were projected
val attrMap = => -> a).toMap
projectionSupport.readSchema().map(f => attrMap(
case _ =>

private def pushFilters(
def pushFilters(
reader: DataSourceReader,
filters: Seq[Expression]): (Seq[Expression], Seq[Expression]) = {
reader match {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +209,7 @@ object DataSourceV2Relation {
// the data source cannot guarantee the rows returned can pass these filters.
// As a result we must return it so Spark can plan an extra filter operator.
val postScanFilters =
// The filters which are marked as pushed to this data source
val pushedFilters = r.pushedFilters().map(translatedFilterToExpr)

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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2

import org.apache.spark.sql.Strategy
import org.apache.spark.sql.{execution, Strategy}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{And, AttributeReference, AttributeSet}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning.PhysicalOperation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous.{WriteToContinuousDataSource, WriteToContinuousDataSourceExec}

object DataSourceV2Strategy extends Strategy {
override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = plan match {
case r: DataSourceV2Relation =>
DataSourceV2ScanExec(r.output, r.source, r.options, r.pushedFilters, r.reader) :: Nil
case PhysicalOperation(project, filters, relation: DataSourceV2Relation) =>
val projectSet = AttributeSet(project.flatMap(_.references))
val filterSet = AttributeSet(filters.flatMap(_.references))

val projection = if (filterSet.subsetOf(projectSet) &&
AttributeSet(relation.output) == projectSet) {
// When the required projection contains all of the filter columns and column pruning alone
// can produce the required projection, push the required projection.
// A final projection may still be needed if the data source produces a different column
// order or if it cannot prune all of the nested columns.
} else {
// When there are filter columns not already in the required projection or when the required
// projection is more complicated than column pruning, base column pruning on the set of
// all columns needed by both.
(projectSet ++ filterSet).toSeq

val reader = relation.newReader

val output = DataSourceV2Relation.pushRequiredColumns(relation, reader,

val (postScanFilters, pushedFilters) = DataSourceV2Relation.pushFilters(reader, filters)

logInfo(s"Post-Scan Filters: ${postScanFilters.mkString(",")}")
logInfo(s"Pushed Filters: ${pushedFilters.mkString(", ")}")

val scan = DataSourceV2ScanExec(
output, relation.source, relation.options, pushedFilters, reader)

val filter = postScanFilters.reduceLeftOption(And)
val withFilter =, scan)).getOrElse(scan)

val withProjection = if (withFilter.output != project) {
execution.ProjectExec(project, withFilter)
} else {

withProjection :: Nil

case r: StreamingDataSourceV2Relation =>
DataSourceV2ScanExec(r.output, r.source, r.options, r.pushedFilters, r.reader) :: Nil
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Expand Up @@ -323,21 +323,22 @@ class DataSourceV2Suite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext {

test("SPARK-23315: get output from canonicalized data source v2 related plans") {
def checkCanonicalizedOutput(df: DataFrame, numOutput: Int): Unit = {
def checkCanonicalizedOutput(
df: DataFrame, logicalNumOutput: Int, physicalNumOutput: Int): Unit = {
val logical = df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.collect {
case d: DataSourceV2Relation => d
assert(logical.canonicalized.output.length == numOutput)
assert(logical.canonicalized.output.length == logicalNumOutput)

val physical = df.queryExecution.executedPlan.collect {
case d: DataSourceV2ScanExec => d
assert(physical.canonicalized.output.length == numOutput)
assert(physical.canonicalized.output.length == physicalNumOutput)

val df =[AdvancedDataSourceV2].getName).load()
checkCanonicalizedOutput(df, 2)
checkCanonicalizedOutput('i), 1)
checkCanonicalizedOutput(df, 2, 2)
checkCanonicalizedOutput('i), 2, 1)

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