Install node_modules
npm install
Start the app in the dev
npm run dev
To package apps for the local platform:
npm run build
Open it, paste some text, run some scripts, optionally copy the text out.
To run scripts, simply open the script picker by pressing ctrl+X or in the top menu under Scripts > Open Picker.
Each script starts with a declarative JSON document, describing the contents of that file, a name, a description. All that stuff is contained within a top level comment (with some extra asterisks) just like so:
"name":"Format JSON",
Tags will be mapped to icons for display on the interface
Must include the main function
const main = (state) => {
return state.trimStart();
State is the text content that needs to be converted
If it is not the result of converting text.There are also two return methods as follows
return { type: "ERROR", content: "wrong" };
return {
type: "SUCCESS",
content: `total 100`,
Multi label switching is a worthwhile thing to achieve(It will be realized when there is time) -.-