This project describes how-to get Java 8 running on an EV3 brick.
A few simple programs are included to demonstrate how the EV3 works.
- Lego Mindstorms EV3 set
- WiFi dongle for EV3 (I use the Edimax)
- Micro SD-card (between 2GB and 32GB)
- Computer running linux/unix/os x
- Java 8 installed
- Gradle installed
- SSH installed and configured
- Your favorite Java IDE
diskutil list sudo dd -if=./sd500.img -of=/dev/disk2
copy the contents of lejosimage directory to SD-card root
create JRE 8 embedded runtime. EV3 brick requires profile compact2
./ --dest ejre-8-b132-linux-arm-sflt.tar.gz --profile compact2 --vm client tar -czf ejre-8-b132-linux-arm-sflt ejre-8-b132-linux-arm-sflt.tar.gz
Copy this tar.gz file to the root of the SD-card.
Insert SD-card into
The SSH version on the mindstorm is a bit old, connect using: ssh -oKexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 root@