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pkl-python is currently major version v0, and breaking changes will happen between versions.

pkl-python - Pkl Bindings for Python

Python binding for Apple's Pkl language.

Getting Started


pip install pkl-python

Basic Usage

Here's how you can start using pkl-python to load a PKL module:

import pkl

config = pkl.load("path/to/pkl/example_module.pkl")
config = pkl.loads("a: Int = 1 + 1")

Code Generation

As Python is a dynamic language, codegen is not strictly necessary. However, codegen lets you expect contents of pkl files within Python modules.

pkl-gen-python path/to/pkl/example_module.pkl


  • (codgen) pip binary installation
  • (codgen) gatherer depth-first ordering
  • (codgen) clean up code

Advanced Features

import pkl

config = pkl.load("./tests/types.pkl")
config = pkl.load("./tests/types.pkl", expr="datasize")
config = pkl.load(None, module_text="a: Int = 1 + 1")
config = pkl.load("./tests/types.pkl", debug=True)

pkl.load Parameters Detail

For details on the parameters, refer

Custom Readers

It is possible to add module or resource or module readers:

from typing import List
from dataclasses import dataclass

import pkl
from pkl import (
    ModuleReader, ResourceReader, PathElement,
    ModuleSource, PreconfiguredOptions, PklError,

class TestModuleReader(ModuleReader):
    def read(self, url) -> str:
        return "foo = 1"

    def list_elements(self, url: str) -> List[PathElement]:
        return [PathElement("foo.pkl", False)]

opts = PreconfiguredOptions(
    moduleReaders=[TestModuleReader("customfs", True, True, True)]
config = pkl.load("./tests/pkls/myModule.pkl", evaluator_options=opts)


Type Mappings

While in pre-release they are subject to change.

Pkl type TypeScript type
Null None
Boolean bool
String str
Int int
Int8 int
Int16 int
Int32 int
UInt int
UInt8 int
UInt16 int
UInt32 int
Float float
Number float
List list
Listing list
Map dict
Mapping dict
Set set
Pair pkl.Pair
Dynamic dataclasses.dataclass
DataSize pkl.DataSize
Duration pkl.Duration
IntSeq pkl.IntSeq
Class dataclasses.dataclass
TypeAlias typing
Any typing.Any
Unions (A|B|C) typing.Union[A|B|C]
Regex pkl.Regex


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


PKL is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


For support or to contribute, please contact or visit our GitHub repository to report issues or submit pull requests.