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Sui utilities for TypeScript, Node, and React.


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Polymedia Suitcase

Sui utilities for TypeScript, Node, and React.

Polymedia Suitcase


The suitcase-core package provides utilities for all TypeScript environments (browser, server, etc).

  • Installation: pnpm add @polymedia/suitcase-core
  • Source code: src/core


  • const ZERO_ADDRESS - The 0x0 address.
  • generateRandomAddress() - Generate a random Sui address (for development only).
  • removeAddressLeadingZeros() - Remove leading zeros from a Sui address (lossless).
  • shortenAddress() - Abbreviate a Sui address for display purposes (lossy).
  • validateAndNormalizeAddress() - Validate a Sui address and return its normalized form, or null if invalid.


  • apiRequestIndexer() - Make a request to the API (NFTs).


  • balanceToString() - Convert a bigint to a string, scaled down to the specified decimals.
  • stringToBalance() - Convert a string to a bigint, scaled up to the specified decimals.
  • formatBalance() - Format a bigint into a readable string, scaled down to the specified decimals.
  • formatNumber() - Format a number into a readable string.


  • class SuiClientBase - Abstract class for building Sui SDK clients.

    • fetchAndParseObjs() - Fetch and parse objects from the RPC and cache them.
    • fetchAndParseTxs() - Fetch and parse transactions from the RPC.
    • signTx() - Sign a transaction.
    • executeTx() - Execute a transaction.
    • signAndExecuteTx() - Sign and execute a transaction.
  • class SuiEventFetcher - Fetch Sui events and parse them into custom objects.

    • fetchEvents() - Fetch the latest events. Every time the function is called it looks for events that took place since the last call.
  • class SuiMultiClient - Make many RPC requests using multiple endpoints.

    • executeInBatches() - Execute SuiClient RPC operations in parallel using multiple endpoints.
    • testEndpoints() - Test the latency of various Sui RPC endpoints.


  • devInspectAndGetExecutionResults() - Call SuiClient.devInspectTransactionBlock() and return the execution results.
  • devInspectAndGetReturnValues() - Call SuiClient.devInspectTransactionBlock() and return the deserialized return values.
  • fetchAllDynamicFields() - Get all dynamic object fields owned by an object.
  • getCoinOfValue() - Get a Coin<T> of a given value from the owner. Handles coin merging and splitting.
  • getSuiObjectRef() - Fetch the latest version of an object and return its SuiObjectRef.


  • anyToStr() - Attempts to convert any kind of value into a readable string.
  • parseMoveAbort() - Parse a Move abort string into its different parts.
  • class TxErrorParser - Parse transaction errors and convert them into user-friendly messages.


  • requestSuiFromFaucet() - Get SUI from the faucet on localnet/devnet/testnet.


  • formatBps() - Return a human-readable string from a number of basis points.
  • formatDate() - Return a human-readable date string from a timestamp in milliseconds.
  • formatDuration() - Return a human-readable string from a number of milliseconds.
  • formatTimeDiff() - Return a human-readable string with the time difference between two timestamps.
  • urlToDomain() - Return the domain from a URL.
  • shortenDigest() - Return a shortened version of a transaction digest.


  • const MAX_U64 - The maximum value for a 64-bit unsigned integer.
  • chunkArray() - Split an array into multiple chunks of a certain size.
  • chunkString() - Split a string into multiple chunks of a certain size.
  • makeRanges() - Generate an array of ranges of a certain size between two numbers.
  • sleep() - Wait for a number of milliseconds.


  • pairFromSecretKey() - Build a Keypair from a secret key string like suiprivkey1....


  • type ObjectDisplay - A Sui object display with common properties and arbitrary ones.
  • objResToContent() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its .data.content.
  • objResToDisplay() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its or null.
    • newEmptyDisplay() - Create an ObjectDisplay object with all fields set to null.
  • objResToFields() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its .data.content.fields.
  • objResToId() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its .data.objectId.
  • objResToOwner() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its owner: an address, object ID, "shared" or "immutable".
  • objResToRef() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its {.data.objectId, .data.digest, .data.version}.
  • objResToType() - Validate a SuiObjectResponse and return its .data.type.

Regular expressions

  • const REGEX_ADDRESS - Match a Sui address.
  • const REGEX_ADDRESS_NORMALIZED - Match a normalized Sui address.
  • const REGEX_MODULE_NAME - Match a Sui module name.
  • const REGEX_STRUCT_NAME - Match a Sui struct name.
  • const REGEX_TYPE_BASIC - Match a Sui type without generic parameters (e.g. 0x123::module::Struct).


  • const RPC_ENDPOINTS - A list of public RPCs for Sui mainnet, testnet, and devnet.
  • measureRpcLatency() - Measure Sui RPC latency by making requests to various endpoints.
  • newLowLatencySuiClient() - Instantiate SuiClient using the RPC endpoint with the lowest latency.


  • type NestedResult - An item in the array returned by a Transaction.moveCall() call.
  • type ObjectInput - Either a TransactionObjectInput or a SuiObjectRef.
  • type SignTx - A function that can sign a Transaction.
  • getArgVal<T>() - Get the value of a SuiCallArg (transaction input). If the argument is a pure value, return it. If the argument is an object, return its ID.
  • newSignTx() - Create a SignTx function that uses a Signer to sign a Transaction.
  • objectArg() - Transform an ObjectInput into an argument for Transaction.moveCall().
  • txResToData() - Validate a SuiTransactionBlockResponse of the ProgrammableTransaction kind and return its
  • TransferModule - Build transactions for the sui::transfer module.
    • public_freeze_object()
    • public_share_object()
    • public_transfer()

Type guards


  • type OwnerKind<K> - An ObjectOwner of a specific kind.
  • isOwnerKind() - Type guard to check if an ObjectOwner is of a specific kind.


  • type ArgKind<K> - A SuiArgument of a specific kind.
  • isArgKind() - Type guard to check if a SuiArgument is of a specific kind.


  • type ObjChangeKind<K> - A SuiObjectChange of a specific kind.
  • isObjChangeKind() - Type guard to check if a SuiObjectChange is of a specific kind.


  • isSuiObjectRef() - Type guard to check if an object is a SuiObjectRef.


  • type ParsedDataKind<K> - A SuiParsedData of a specific kind.
  • isParsedDataKind() - Type guard to check if a SuiParsedData is of a specific kind.


  • type TxKind<K> - A SuiTransaction of a specific kind.
  • isTxKind() - Type guard to check if a SuiTransaction is of a specific kind.


  • const NETWORK_NAMES - ["mainnet", "testnet", "devnet", "localnet"].
  • type NetworkName - "mainnet" | "testnet" | "devnet" | "localnet".
  • type PaginatedResponse<T> - A paginated response from a Sui RPC call.
  • type ReceivingRef - The return type of Transaction.receivingRef().


  • type SuiExplorerItem - A Sui explorer item type (address/object/package/txblock).
  • makePolymediaUrl() - Build an URL.
  • makeSuiscanUrl() - Build a URL.
  • makeSuivisionUrl() - Build a URL.


The suitcase-node package provides utilities for Node.js projects (command line tools, server side code, etc).

  • Installation: pnpm add @polymedia/suitcase-node
  • Source code: src/node


  • getActiveAddress() - Get the current active address (sui client active-address).
  • getActiveKeypair() - Build a Ed25519Keypair object for the current active address by loading the secret key from ~/.sui/sui_config/sui.keystore.
  • getActiveEnv() - Get the active Sui environment from sui client active-env.
  • setupSuiTransaction() - Initialize objects to execute Sui transactions blocks using the current Sui active network and address.
  • executeSuiTransaction() - Execute a transaction block with showEffects and showObjectChanges set to true.


  • fileExists() - Check if a file exists in the filesystem.
  • getFileName() - Extract the file name from a module URL, without path or extension.
  • writeJsonFile() - Write an object's JSON representation into a file.
  • readJsonFile() - Read a JSON file and parse its contents into an object.
  • writeTsvFile() - Write objects into a TSV file.
  • readTsvFile() - Read a TSV file and parse each line into an object.
  • writeCsvFile() - Write objects into a CSV file.
  • readCsvFile() - Read a CSV file and parse each line into an object.
  • writeTextFile() - Write a string into a file.


  • parseArguments() - Parse command line arguments and show usage instructions.
  • promptUser() - Display a query to the user and wait for their input. Return true if the user enters y.
  • suppressSuiVersionMismatchWarnings() - Suppress "Client/Server api version mismatch" warnings.


The suitcase-react package provides components for React web apps.

  • Installation: pnpm add @polymedia/suitcase-react
  • Source code: src/react


  • Btn - A button component.
  • BtnPrevNext - A button component to navigate through paginated data (see useFetchAndPaginate()).


  • const EXPLORER_NAMES - ["Polymedia", "Suiscan", "SuiVision"].
  • type ExplorerName - "Polymedia" | "Suiscan" | "SuiVision".
  • ExplorerRadioSelector - A radio button menu to select a Sui explorer and save the choice to local storage.
  • loadExplorer() - Load the chosen Sui explorer name from local storage.
  • switchExplorer() - Change the chosen Sui explorer, update local storage, and optionally trigger a callback.


  • useClickOutside() - A hook that detects when a click or touch event occurs outside a DOM element.
  • useFetch() - A hook to handle data fetching.
  • useFetchAndLoadMore() - A hook to handle data fetching and load more results.
  • useFetchAndPaginate() - A hook to handle data fetching and paginating through the results.


  • useInputBase() - A base hook for creating input fields.
  • useInputString() - An input field for strings.
  • useInputAddress() - An input field for Sui addresses (or object IDs).
  • useInputPrivateKey() - An input field for Sui private keys that produces a Sui Keypair.
  • useInputUnsignedInt() - An input field for positive integers.
  • useInputUnsignedBalance() - Input field for positive Coin balances. Handles decimals (e.g. "1 SUI"1_000_000_000).


  • LinkExternal - An external link.
  • LinkToExplorer - A link to a Sui explorer (Polymedia, Suiscan, or SuiVision).
  • LinkToPolymedia - A link to
  • LinkToSuiscan - A link to
  • LinkToSuivision - A link to


  • makeCssUrl() - Encode a URL for use in CSS url() syntax.


  • Modal - A modal window.


  • NetworkRadioSelector - A radio button menu to select a Sui network and save the choice to local storage.
  • NetworkDropdownSelector - A dropdown menu to choose between mainnet/testnet/devnet/localnet.
  • isLocalhost() - Check if the current hostname is a localhost environment.
  • loadNetwork() - Load the network name based on URL parameters and local storage.
  • switchNetwork() - Change networks, update local storage, and optionally trigger a callback.


  • RpcRadioSelector - A radio button menu to select an RPC endpoint and save the choice to local storage.
  • loadRpc() - Load the RPC URL for the current network from local storage.
  • switchRpc() - Change RPCs, update local storage, and optionally trigger a callback.


  • RadioSelector - A generic radio button menu.


  • type ReactSetter - A function that updates the state of a useState or useReducer hook.


Sui utilities for TypeScript, Node, and React.




