An Apache Jena value function wrapper around the parse function of Duckling (old). The parse function can parse a string like:
"the first Tuesday of October"
{:value "2014-10-07T00:00:00.000-07:00"
:grain :day}
This allows one to use the parse function inside a SPARQL query to convert strings representing dates into xsd:dateTime values.
have make and docker installed
git clone this repo
cd into it
Then find
and put it on your Apache Jena Fuseki classpath. -
Then invoke the parse function in a SPARQL query like so:
PREFIX datething: <java:datething.>
select *
?row xyz:when ?when_string .
bind(strdt(datething:parse(?when_string),xsd:dateTime) as ?when)
- you can also follow this blog post for more detail instructions.
You can't parse a literal like: bind(strdt(datething:parse("12 oct 2021"),xsd:dateTime) as ?when)
You can only parse a variable binding like: bind(strdt(datething:parse(?when_string),xsd:dateTime) as ?when)