Field level LWC to wrap both getPicklistValues
from lightning/uiObjectInfoApi and display in a lightning-combobox
Name | Type | Description |
fieldDescribe | prop | Required, The Schema Field Description |
recordTypeId | prop | Required, The Record Type Id for the SObject Field |
default | prop | Override the field's default value with your own |
label | prop | Required, the text label for the combobox |
fieldLevelHelp | prop | The help text for the combobox |
disabled | prop | The disabled state of the combobox, default false |
required | prop | Mark the combobox required, default false |
variant | prop | The variant of the lightning-combobox . Accepted Values of standard, label-hidden, label-inline, and label-stacked. Defaults to standard . |
onselected | event | Event fired when a the combobox is changed. event.detail = option.value |
Get the RecordTypeId and Schema Field Desription in your component, then pass it to c-picklist
through a computed property.
default="In Progress"
onselected={onStatusChange} ></c-picklist>
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc'
import STATUS from '@salesforce/schema/Case.Status'
export default class MyComponent extends LightningElement {
@track status
@track recordTypeId = '0120b000000VXQwAAO'
get statusDescribe () { return STATUS }
onStatusChange (event) {
this.status =