A PHP functional utility library, port of Javascript Lodash/Fp and Ramda libraries to PHP.
All functions are side-effect free and automatically curried, data is immutable.
The iterable collection parameter is usually supplied last to make currying convenient.
Lazy / delayed evaluation is supported in functional pipelines.
Go to https://idlephp.tech for more details, documentation and examples.
PHP 7.4
or higher
composer require miroshnikov/idles
Idles is currently under active development. Roadmap is to add all methods from Lodash and Ramda libraries and some functional tools.
concat(?iterable $array, $value): iterable
Concatinates $array
with additional iterables/values
drop(int $n, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Skips the first $n
elemens and returns the rest of the iterable
dropRight(int $n, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Skips the last $n
findIndex(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): int
Like find
but returns the index of the first element predicate returns truthy for, -1
if not found
findLastIndex(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): int
Like find
but returns the index of the last element predicate returns truthy for, -1
if not found
flatten(?iterable $collection): iterable
Flattens iterable a single level deep.
flattenDeep(?iterable $collection): iterable
Recursively flattens iterable.
flattenDepth(int $depth, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Recursively flatten array up to depth times.
fromPairs(?iterable $collection): array
Creates a new record from a list key-value pairs. The inverse of toPairs
head(?iterable $collecton)
Gets the first element of iterable
indexOf($value, ?iterable $collection): int
Returns the index of the first occurrence of $value
in $collection
, else -1.
intersection(?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array
Returns unique values that are included in both records
intersectionBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array
Like intersection
but invokes $iteratee
for each element before comparison.
intersectionWith(callable $comparator, ?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array
Like intersection
but invokes $comparator
to compare elements.
join(string $separator, ?iterable $collection): string
Joins iterable elements separated by $separator
last(?iterable $collecton)
Gets the last element of iterable
nth(int $offset, ?iterable $collection)
Returns the $offset
element. If $offset
is negative the element at index length + $offset
is returned.
remove(int $start, int $count, ?iterable $iterable): array
Removes items from $iterable
starting at $start
and containing $count
slice(int $start, int ?$end, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Retruns a slice of $iterable
from $start
up to, but not including, $end
take(int $n, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Takes n first elements from iterable
takeRight(int $n, ?iterable $collection): array
Returns a slice of iterable with n elements taken from the end.
uniq(?iterable $collection): array
Removes duplicates using ===
uniqBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): array
Like uniq
but apply $iteratee
uniqWith(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): array
Like uniq
but uses $predicate
to compare elements
without(array $values, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Returns $iterable
without $values
zip(iterable $a, iterable $b): iterable
Creates an iterable of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first elements of the given iterables, the second of which contains the second elements, and so on.
zipWith(callable $iteratee, iterable $a, iterable $b): iterable
Like zip
except that it accepts $iteratee
to specify how grouped values should be combined.
all(?callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): bool
Checks if $predicate
returns truthy
for all elements of $collection
. Stop once it returns falsey
any(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): bool
Checks if $predicate
returns truthy for any element of $collection
. Stops on first found.
each(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Iterates over elements of $collection
. Iteratee may exit iteration early by returning false
filter(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Returns elements $predicate
returns truthy for.
find(?callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection)
Returns the first element $predicate
returns truthy for.
flatMap(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Maps then flatten
flatMapDeep(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Like flatMap
but recursively flattens the results.
flatMapDepth(callable $iteratee, int $depth, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Like flatMap
but flattens the mapped results up to $depth
groupBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): array
Creates an array composed of keys generated from running each value through $iteratee
includes($value, ?iterable $collection): bool
Checks if $value
is in $collection
indexBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Creates a record composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of $collection
through $iteratee
map(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection)
Run each element in $collection
through $iteratee
orderBy(array $iteratees, array $orders, ?iterable $collection)
Like sortBy
but allows specifying the sort orders
partition(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): array
Split $collection
into two groups, the first of which contains elements $predicate
returns truthy for, the second of which contains elements $predicate
returns falsey for.
reduce(callable $iteratee, $accumulator, ?iterable $collection)
Reduces $collection
to a value which is the accumulated result of running each element in collection through $iteratee
resolve(array $resolvers, array $record): array
Adds new properties to $record
using $resolvers
sortBy(array $iteratees, ?iterable $collection): array
Sorts $collection
in ascending order according to $iteratees
values(?iterable $collection): iterable
Returns an indexed iterable of values in $collection
Returns a function that always returns the given value.
applyTo($value, callable $interceptor)
Returns $interceptor($value)
ary(int $n, callable $fn): callable
Creates a function that invokes $fn
, with up to $n
arguments, ignoring any additional arguments.
attempt(callable $fn)
Calls $fn
, returning either the result or the caught exception.
compose(callable ...$funcs): callable
Like pipe
but invokes the functions from right to left.
curry(callable $f): callable
const may be used as a placeholder.
curryRight(callable $f): callable
Like curry
but arguments are prepended.
flip(callable $fn): callable
Returns a new curried function with the first two arguments reversed
juxt(array $funcs): callable
applies a list of functions to a list of values.
memoize(callable $func): callable
Creates a function that memoizes the result of $func
. $resolver
returns map cache key, args[0] by default.
negate(callable $predicate): callable
Creates a function that negates the result of the $predicate
once(callable $fn): callable
is only called once, the first value is returned in subsequent invocations.
partial(callable $fn, array $partials): callable
Creates a function that invokes $fn
with $partials
prepended to the arguments. \Idles\_
const may be used as a placeholder.
partialRight(callable $fn, array $partials): callable
Like partial
but $partials
are appended.
pipe(callable ...$funcs): callable
Left-to-right function composition. The first argument may have any arity; the remaining arguments must be unary.
tap(callable $interceptor, $value)
Calls $interceptor($value)
then returns the original $value
times(int $n, callable $iteratee): array
Calls the iteratee $n
times, returning an array of the results of each invocation.
tryCatch(callable $tryer, callable $catcher, $value)
Calls $tryer
, if it throws, calls $catcher
unary(callable $fn): callable
ary(1, $fn)
allPass(array $predicates): callable
Returns a function that checks if its arguments pass all $predicates
anyPass(array $predicates): callable
Returns a function that checks if its arguments pass any of the $predicates
both(callable $func1, callable $func2): callable
Resulting function returns $func1(...$args)
if it is falsy or $func2(...$args)
otherwise, short-circuited
cond(array $pairs): callable
Iterates over $pairs
and invokes the corresponding function of the first predicate to return truthy.
Returns $value
?? $default
either(callable $func1, callable $func2): callable
Resulting function returns $func1(...$args)
if it is truthy or $func2(...$args)
otherwise, short-circuited.
ifElse(callable $predicate, callable $onTrue, callable $onFalse): callable
Resulting function returns $onTrue(...$args)
if $predicate(...$args)
is truthy or $onFalse(...$args)
not($a): bool
returns !$a
unless(callable $predicate, callable $whenFalse, mixed $value)
Returns $predicate($value) ? $value : $whenFalse($value)
when(callable $predicate, callable $whenTrue, mixed $value)
Returns $predicate($value) ? $whenTrue($value) : $value
add(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float
$a + $b
dec(int $number): int
Returns $number - 1
divide(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float
$a / $b
gt($a, $b): bool
$a > $b
gte($a, $b): bool
$a >= $b
inc(int $number): int
Returns $number + 1
lt($a, $b): bool
$a < $b
lte($a, $b): bool
$a <= $b
modulo(int|float $a, int|float $b): int
$a % $b
multiply(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float
$a * $b
round(int $precision, int|float $number): float
Rounds $number
to specified $precision
subtract(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float
$a - $b
sum(?iterable $collection)
Sums elements in iterable
sumBy(?callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection)
Like sum
but $iteratee
is invoked for each element in iterable to generate the value to be summed.
assignDeep(array $iterables): array
Merges properties recursively, numeric keys are overwritten.
defaults(?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array
Merges properties from right to left, numeric keys are overwritten.
evolve(array $transformations, ?iterable $record): array
Creates a new record by recursively calling transformation functions with $record
extend(?iterable $source1, ?iterable $source2): array
Merges properties, numeric keys are overwritten.
has(string|int $key, ?iterable $record): bool
Checks if $record
has $key
hasPath(string|int|array $path, ?iterable $record): bool
Checks if $path
exists in $record
invert(?iterable $collection): array
Replaces keys with values. Duplicate keys are overwritten.
keys(?iterable $record): iterable
Returns an indexed iterable of keys in $record
matches(array $spec, ?iterable $test): bool
Check if the $test
satisfies the $spec
merge(?iterable $source1, ?iterable $source2): array
Merges properties, numeric keys are appended.
mergeDeep(array $iterables): array
Merges properties recursively, numeric keys are appended.
mergeLeft(?iterable $left, ?iterable $right): array
calls merge($right, $left)
mergeWith(callable $customizer, ?iterable $left, ?iterable $right): array
Like merge
but if a key exists in both records, $customizer
is called to the values associated with the key
modifyPath(array|string|int $path, callable $updater, ?iterable $record)
Creates new record by applying an $updater
function to the value at the given $path
objOf(string $key, $value): array
Creates an array
containing a single key => value pair.
omit(array $keys, ?iterable $collection): iterable
The opposite of pick
. Returns record without $keys
omitBy(callable $predicate, ?iterable $record): iterable
The opposite of pickBy
. Returns properties of $record
that $predicate
returns falsey for.
path(array|string $path, ?iterable $collection)
Retrieve the value at a given path.
pick(array $keys, ?iterable $collection): iterable
Returns record containing only $keys
pickBy(callable $predicate, ?iterable $record): iterable
Returns record containing only keys $predicate
returns truthy for.
pluck(string|int $key, ?iterable $collection)
Returns a new array by plucking the same named property off all records in the array supplied.
prop(string|int $key, ?iterable $record)
Return the specified property.
propEq(string|int $key, $value, ?iterable $record): bool
Returns $record[$key] == $value
props(array $paths, ?iterable $collection): array
Keys in, values out. Order is preserved.
setPath($path, $value, ?iterable $record)
Return copy $record
with $path
set with $value
toPairs(?iterable $record): iterable
Converts a record into an array of [$key, $value]
where(array $spec, ?iterable $record): bool
Checks if $record
satisfies the spec by invoking the $spec
properties with the corresponding properties of $record
escape(string $s): string
Converts the characters "&", "<", ">", '"', and "'" to their corresponding HTML entities.
escapeRegExp(string $regexp): string
Escapes regular expression
split(string $separator, string $s): array
Splits string by $separator
startsWith(string $target, string $s): bool
If string starts with $target
toLower(string $s): string
Converts string to lower case
toUpper(string $s): string
Converts string to upper case
words(string $pattern, string $string): array
Splits string into an array of its words.
collect(?iterable $iterable): array
Collects any iterable into array
eq($a, $b): bool
== $b
equals($a, $b): bool
=== $b
F(...$args): bool
Always returns false
Returns the first argument it receives.
just($value): Optional
Returns an Optional with the specified non-null value
nothing(): Optional
Returns an empty Optional
now(): int
Returns the timestamp of the number of seconds
just(mixed $value): Optional
Maybe/Option monad (container) which may or may not contain a non-null value. Has methods:
isPresent(): bool
- true
if not empty
isEmpty(): bool
- true
if empty
get(): mixed
- returns value, throw exception if empty
orElse(mixed $default): mixed
- returns the contained value if the optional is nonempty or $default
orElseThrow(Exception $e)
- returns the contained value, if present, otherwise throw an exception
map(callable $f): Optional
- If a value is present, apply the $f
to it, and if the result is non-null, return an Optional describing the result
flatMap(callable $f): Optional
- use instead of map
if $f
returns Optional
filter(callable $predicate): Optional
- if a value is present and matches the $predicate
, return an Optional with the value, otherwise an empty Optional.
size(array|Countable|object|string|callable $value): int
Returns size of a countable, number of parameters of a function, lenght of string or number of properties of an object
T(...$args): bool
Always returns true