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Capacitor Wrapper over HyperSDK which enables payment orchestration via different dynamic modules. More details available at Juspay Developer Docs for Express Checkout SDK and Payment Page SDK.


npm install hyper-sdk-capacitor
npx cap sync


Add following maven url in root build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Updating Client ID

Add the clientId ext property in root(top) build.gradle:

buildscript {
    ext {
        clientId = "<clientId shared by Juspay team>"
        hyperSDKVersion = "2.1.25"

Optionally, you can also provide an override for base SDK version present in plugin (the newer version among both would be considered).


Place the MerchantConfig.txt file inside the folder where the Podfile is present. This file doesn't need to be added to the project. The content of the file should be as below

clientId = <clientId shared by Juspay Team>

Add below post_install script in the Podfile

post_install do |installer|
 fuse_path = "./Pods/HyperSDK/Fuse.rb"
 clean_assets = false # Pass true to re-download all the assets
 if File.exist?(fuse_path)
   if system("ruby", fuse_path.to_s, clean_assets.to_s)

Run the following command inside the ios folder of your project:

pod install

Import HyperSDK

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
import 'hyper-sdk-capacitor';

const { HyperServices } = Plugins;


To keep the SDK up to date with the latest changes, it is highly recommended to call preFetch as early as possible. It takes a JSON Object as its argument.

await HyperServices.preFetch(payload);

Step-1: Create HyperServices Object

This method creates an instance of HyperServices class in the Capacitor Plugin on which all the HyperSDK APIs / methods are triggered. It internally uses the current activity as an argument.

Note: This method is mandatory and is required to call any other subsequent methods from HyperSDK.

await HyperServices.createHyperServices();

Note: For Web, following parameters should be passed createHyperServices API.

  • clientId : "Client shared by Juspay"
  • service :
    • "in.juspay.hyperpay" (For Payment Page)
    • "in.juspay.hyperapi" (For Express Checkout)
await HyperServices.createHyperServices(clientId, service)

Step-2: Initiate

This method should be called on the render of the host screen. This will boot up the SDK and start the Hyper engine. It takes a JSON Object as its argument which will contain the base parameters for the entire session and remains static throughout one SDK instance lifetime.


  1. It is highly recommended to initiate SDK from the order summary page (at least 5 seconds before opening your payment page) for seamless user experience.
  2. initiate should be called only once in one session.
await HyperServices.initiate(initiatePayload);

Follow the documentation for initiatePayload

To check if SDK is initialized or not

var { isInitialised } = await HyperServices.isInitialised();

Step-3: Process

This API can be triggered any number of times based on requirements or app flow structure. It should not be called on an HyperSDK instance which has not been initiated (Initiate API should be called before calling process API and make sure SDK is initialized)

This API should be triggered for all operations required from HyperSDK. The operation may be related to:

  • Displaying payment options on your payment page
  • Performing a transaction
  • User's payment profile management

The result of the process call is provided in the Hyper Event listener, later discussed in step-4.

await HyperServices.process(processPayload);

Follow the documentation for Process Payload :

Step-4: Listen to events from HyperSDK

HyperSDK Native Module will be emitting all the relevant events to JS via notifyListeners and JavaScript modules can then register to receive events by invoking addListener on the HyperServices Plugin instance with the event name 'HyperEvent'. The listener will return a JSON response.

The following events should be handled here:

  • show_loader: To show a loader for the processing state.
  • hide_loader: To hide the previously shown loader.
  • initiate_result: Result of initiate done in step-2.
  • process_result: Result of the process operation done in step-3.
HyperServices.addListener('HyperEvent', async (data) => {
   var event = data["event"];
   switch (event) {
      case "show_loader": {
         // Show a loader
      case "hide_loader": {
         // Hide Loader
      case "initiate_result": {
         // Initiate api response
      case "process_result": {
         // Process result
         let payload = data["payload"];
         console.log("process result: ", payload)


Documentation : Once the payment is complete the user is redirected to the return_url configured by you. Following is the typical destination where the user is taken to: Payment Response :

Step-5: Android Hardware Back-Press Handling

HyperSDK internally uses an android fragment for opening the bank page and will need the control to hardware back press when the bank page is active. This can be done by invoking addEventListener on the backButton provided by React Capacitor.

If the blocking asynchronous call HyperServices.onBackPressed() returns true, HyperSDK will handle the back press, else merchant can handle it.

import { App } from '@capacitor/app';


App.addListener('backButton', async (data) => {
  const { onBackPressed } = await HyperServices.onBackPressed();
  if (!onBackPressed) {

Terminate SDK

This method shall be triggered when HyperSDK is no longer required. Note : After calling terminate, initiate has to be called again.

await HyperServices.terminate();

Helper Method: Is Null

This is a helper method and can be used to check whether the HyperServices object is null at any particular moment. It is a blocking synchronous method and returns a boolean value.

var { isNull } = await HyperServices.isNull();


hyper-sdk-capacitor is distributed under AGPL-3.0-only license.