A simple command to install a cron table, and make it evolve over time.
Use it in a deployement task to deploy a file containing your crontab.
Call the command using the module name.
Indicate a marker, unique on the host, with -m option, that will help identify the start / end of your specific tasks in crontab.
Indicate a file containing your crontab. The file may reference environment variables, that will be replaced at installation time using the python builtin template module.
For example, if we have a file crontab.tpl containing:
MAILTO="$ADMIN_MAIL" # recompute the model 0 0 * * * python -m project.rebuild_model >>/dev/null # check stuff in $STUFF_DIRNAME */10 * * * /usr/local/bin/check_stuff $STUFF_DIRNAME >>/dev/null
$ ADMIN_MAIL="admin@acme.info" STUFF_DIRNAME="/srv/stuff" python3 -m cron_install -m MY_PROJECT crontab.tpl
Will install the following table:
$ crontab -l # START MY_PROJECT MAILTO="admin@acme.info" # recompute the model 0 0 * * * python -m project.rebuild_model >>/dev/null # check stuff in /srv/stuff */10 * * * /usr/local/bin/check_stuff /srv/stuff >>/dev/null # END MY_PROJECT
On a new run, all the part between # START MY_PROJECT and # END MY_PROJECT, will be replaced by the new crontab.