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Detailed Item

jurialmunkey edited this page Jun 9, 2024 · 20 revisions

Detailed Item

Example Command plugin://$INFO[ListItem.Title]

Supports: Lookup Parameters


InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Label Label
ListItem.Icon Icon
ListItem.Thumb Thumb
ListItem.Title Title
ListItem.OriginalTitle Original Language Title
ListItem.Plot Plot
ListItem.Rating TMDb Average Rating
ListItem.Votes TMDb Number of Votes
ListItem.Premiered Premiered
ListItem.Year Year
ListItem.IMDbNumber IMDb Number
ListItem.Status Status Airing Cancelled etc.
ListItem.Genre List of Genres
ListItem.Duration Duration
ListItem.Studio List of Studios
ListItem.Country List of Countries
ListItem.MPAA Certification
ListItem.Trailer Youtube Trailer
ListItem.Cast List of Cast Members
ListItem.Director List of Directors
ListItem.Writer List of Writers
ListItem.PlayCount Playcount (Trakt)
ListItem.Overlay Watched Indicator (Trakt)
ListItem.LastPlayed Last Played Date (Trakt)
ListItem.Property(Param.Info) The value of the info= param key in Container.FolderPath. Works with other params. Replace Info with desired param
ListItem.Property(TMDb_ID) TMDb ID
ListItem.Property(IMDb_ID) IMDb ID
ListItem.Property(TVDb_ID) TVDb ID
ListItem.Property(Genre.X.Name) Name of Genre at X position
ListItem.Property(Genre.X.TMDb_ID) TMDb_ID of Genre at X position
ListItem.Property(Studio.X.Name) Name of Studio at X position. Note for TV Shows ListItem.Studio combines Release Network + Production Studios. Studio.X properties only list Production Studios. Use Network.X properties to retrieve TV Networks
ListItem.Property(Studio.X.Icon) Icon of Studio at X position
ListItem.Property(Studio.X.TMDb_ID) TMDb_ID of Studio at X position
ListItem.Property(Country.X.Name) Name of Country at X position
ListItem.Property(Country.X.TMDb_ID) TMDb_ID of Country at X position
ListItem.Property(Language.X.Name) Name of Language at X position
ListItem.Property(Language.X.ISO) ISO of Language at X position
ListItem.Property(Cast.X.Name) Name of Cast at X position
ListItem.Property(Cast.X.Role) Role of Cast at X position
ListItem.Property(Cast.X.Character) Character of Cast at X position
ListItem.Property(Cast.X.Thumb) Thumb of Cast at X position
ListItem.Property(Crew.X.Name) Name of Crew at X position
ListItem.Property(Crew.X.Role) Role of Crew at X position
ListItem.Property(Crew.X.Job) Job of Crew at X position
ListItem.Property(Crew.X.Department) Department of Crew at X position
ListItem.Property(Crew.X.Thumb) Thumb of Crew at X position
ListItem.Property(Screenplay.X.Name) Name of Screenplay at X position
ListItem.Property(Screenplay.X.Role) Role of Screenplay at X position
ListItem.Property(Screenplay.X.Job) Job of Screenplay at X position
ListItem.Property(Screenplay.X.Department) Department of Screenplay at X position
ListItem.Property(Screenplay.X.Thumb) Thumb of Screenplay at X position
ListItem.Property(Director.X.Name) Name of Director at X position
ListItem.Property(Director.X.Role) Role of Director at X position
ListItem.Property(Director.X.Job) Job of Director at X position
ListItem.Property(Director.X.Department) Department of Director at X position
ListItem.Property(Director.X.Thumb) Thumb of Director at X position
ListItem.Property(Writer.X.Name) Name of Writer at X position
ListItem.Property(Writer.X.Role) Role of Writer at X position
ListItem.Property(Writer.X.Job) Job of Writer at X position
ListItem.Property(Writer.X.Department) Department of Writer at X position
ListItem.Property(Writer.X.Thumb) Thumb of Writer at X position
ListItem.Property(Producer.X.Name) Name of Producer at X position
ListItem.Property(Producer.X.Role) Role of Producer at X position
ListItem.Property(Producer.X.Job) Job of Producer at X position
ListItem.Property(Producer.X.Department) Department of Producer at X position
ListItem.Property(Producer.X.Thumb) Thumb of Producer at X position
ListItem.Property(Sound_Department.X.Name) Name of Sound_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Sound_Department.X.Role) Role of Sound_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Sound_Department.X.Job) Job of Sound_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Sound_Department.X.Department) Department of Sound_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Sound_Department.X.Thumb) Thumb of Sound_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Art_Department.X.Name) Name of Art_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Art_Department.X.Role) Role of Art_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Art_Department.X.Job) Job of Art_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Art_Department.X.Department) Department of Art_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Art_Department.X.Thumb) Thumb of Art_Department at X position
ListItem.Property(Photography.X.Name) Name of Photography at X position
ListItem.Property(Photography.X.Role) Role of Photography at X position
ListItem.Property(Photography.X.Job) Job of Photography at X position
ListItem.Property(Photography.X.Department) Department of Photography at X position
ListItem.Property(Photography.X.Thumb) Thumb of Photography at X position
ListItem.Property(Editor.X.Name) Name of Editor at X position
ListItem.Property(Editor.X.Role) Role of Editor at X position
ListItem.Property(Editor.X.Job) Job of Editor at X position
ListItem.Property(Editor.X.Department) Department of Editor at X position
ListItem.Property(Editor.X.Thumb) Thumb of Editor at X position
ListItem.Property(original_language) Original language of the production

Movie Specific

InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Set Name of Set Movie Belongs To
ListItem.Tagline Tagline
ListItem.Property(Budget) Budget
ListItem.Property(Revenue) Revenue
ListItem.Property(Set.TMDb_ID) TMDb_ID of Set Movie Belongs To
ListItem.Property(Set.Name) Name of Set Movie Belongs To
ListItem.Property(Set.Poster) Poster of Set Movie Belongs To
ListItem.Property(Set.Fanart) Fanart of Set Movie Belongs To

TvShow Specific

InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Episode Episode Number
ListItem.Season Season Number
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired) Last Aired Date in Kodi System Short Format
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Day) Last Aired Day
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Long) Last Aired Date in Kodi System Long Format
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Short) Last Aired in %d %b format e.g. 6 May
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Episode) Last Aired Episode
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Name) Last Aired Name
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.TMDb_ID) Last Aired TMDb_ID
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Plot) Last Aired Plot
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Season) Last Aired Season
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Rating) Last Aired Rating
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Votes) Last Aired Votes
ListItem.Property(Last_Aired.Thumb) Last Aired Thumb
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired) Next Aired Date in Kodi System Short Format
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Day) Next Aired Day
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Long) Next Aired Date in Kodi System Long Format
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Short) Next Aired Date in %d %b format e.g. 6 May
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Episode) Next Aired Episode
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Name) Next Aired Name
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.TMDb_ID) Next Aired TMDb_ID
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Plot) Next Aired Plot
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Season) Next Aired Season
ListItem.Property(Next_Aired.Thumb) Next Aired Thumb
ListItem.Property(Creator) List of TvShow Creators
ListItem.Property(Creator.X.Name) Name of Creator at X Position
ListItem.Property(Creator.X.TMDb_ID) TMDb ID of Creator at X Position
ListItem.Property(Creator.X.Thumb) Thumb of Creator at X Position
ListItem.Property(Network) List of Networks. Note for TV Shows ListItem.Studio combines Release Network + Production Studios. Use Network property to retrieve only TV Networks.
ListItem.Property(Network.X.Name) Name of Network at X position. Note for TV Shows Studio.X properties contain only Production Studios. Use Network.X properties to retrieve TV Networks.
ListItem.Property(Network.X.Icon) Icon of Network at X position
ListItem.Property(Network.X.TMDb_ID) TMDb_ID of Network at X position
ListItem.Property(UnWatchedEpisodes) Number of Episodes Remaining (Trakt)

Person Specific

InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Property(Biography) Biography
ListItem.Property(Age) Age
ListItem.Property(Birthday) Date of Birth
ListItem.Property(Deathday) Date of Death
ListItem.Property(Character) Character Person is Known For
ListItem.Property(Department) Department Most Commonly Associated With Person
ListItem.Property(Job) Job Most Commonly Associated With Person
ListItem.Property(Known_For) List of Title Person is Known For
ListItem.Property(Role) Role Person is Known For
ListItem.Property(Born) Place Person Was Born
ListItem.Property(Gender) Gender
ListItem.Property(Aliases) Other Names Person is Known By
ListItem.Property(Known_For.X.Title) Title of Known For Item at X Position. Also accepts TMDb_ID, Rating, TMDb_Type in place of Title.
ListItem.Property(Movie.Cast.X.Title) Title of Movie person starred in at X position. Also accepts TMDb_ID, Rating, Votes, Plot, Premiered, Poster, Fanart, Character in place of Title.
ListItem.Property(Movie.Crew.X.Title) Title of Movie person crewed in at X position. Also accepts TMDb_ID, Rating, Votes, Plot, Premiered, Poster, Fanart, Department, Job in place of Title.
ListItem.Property(TVShow.Cast.X.Title) Title of TVShow person starred in at X position. Also accepts TMDb_ID, Rating, Votes, Plot, Premiered, Poster, Fanart, Character, Episodes in place of Title.
ListItem.Property(TVShow.Crew.X.Title) Title of TVShow person crewed in at X position. Also accepts TMDb_ID, Rating, Votes, Plot, Premiered, Poster, Fanart, Department, Job, Episodes in place of Title.

Movie Set Specific

InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Title) Title of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.TMDb_ID) TMDb_ID of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.OriginalTitle) OriginalTitle of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Plot) Plot of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Premiered) Premiered of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Year) Year of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Rating) Rating of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Votes) Votes of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Poster) Poster of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Fanart) Fanart of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.X.Genre) Genres of Movie at X Position in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.Year.First) Year of First Movie in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.Year.Last) Year of Last Movie in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.Years) Earliest and Latest Years
ListItem.Property(Set.Rating) Average of Ratings for All Movies in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.Votes) Total Votes for All Movies in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.NumItems) Number of Items in Set
ListItem.Property(Set.Genres) All Genres of Movies in Set

Ratings Specific

InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Property(Awards) Oscars and Other Awards/Nominations (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(Oscar_Wins) Number of Oscar wins (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(Oscar_Nominations) Number of Oscar nominations (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(Award_Wins) Number of other award wins (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(Award_Nominations) Number of other award nominations (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(TMDb_Rating) TMDb Rating
ListItem.Property(TMDb_Votes) TMDb Votes
ListItem.Property(Trakt_Rating) Trakt Rating (Trakt)
ListItem.Property(Trakt_Votes) Trakt Votes (Trakt)
ListItem.Property(Metacritic_Rating) Metacritic Rating (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(IMDb_Rating) IMDb_Rating (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(IMDb_Votes) IMDb_Votes (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_Rating) RottenTomatoes_Rating (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_Image) RottenTomatoes_Image (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_ReviewsTotal) RottenTomatoes_ReviewsTotal (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_ReviewsFresh) RottenTomatoes_ReviewsFresh (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_ReviewsRotten) RottenTomatoes_ReviewsRotten (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_Consensus) RottenTomatoes_Consensus (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_UserMeter) RottenTomatoes_UserMeter (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(RottenTomatoes_UserReviews) RottenTomatoes_UserReviews (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(emmy_wins) Emmy Wins (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(emmy_nominations) Emmy Nominations (OMDb)
ListItem.Property(top250) IMDb Top250 Position (IMDb via Trakt list)
ListItem.Property(total_awards_won) Total Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(awards_won) Separated / list of Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(awards_won_cr) Separated '[CR]' list of Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(academy_awards_won) Total Academy Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(goldenglobe_awards_won) Total Golden Globes Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(mtv_awards_won) Total MTV Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(criticschoice_awards_won) Total Critics Choice Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(emmy_awards_won) Total Primetime Emmys Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(sag_awards_won) Total SAG Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(bafta_awards_won) Total BAFTA Awards Won (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(total_awards_nominated) Total Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(awards_nominated) Separated / list of Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(awards_nominated_cr) Separated '[CR]' list of Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(academy_awards_nominated) Total Academy Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(goldenglobe_awards_nominated) Total Golden Globes Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(mtv_awards_nominated) Total MTV Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(criticschoice_awards_nominated) Total Critics Choice Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(emmy_awards_nominated) Total Primetime Emmys Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(sag_awards_nominated) Total SAG Awards Nominated (TVDb)
ListItem.Property(bafta_awards_nominated) Total BAFTA Awards Nominated (TVDb)

Artwork Specific

InfoLabel Description
ListItem.Art(Poster) Poster
ListItem.Art(Fanart) Fanart
ListItem.Art(ClearArt) ClearArt (
ListItem.Art(ClearLogo) Clearlogo (
ListItem.Art(Landscape) Landscape (
ListItem.Art(Banner) Banner (