Project made to solidify knowledge in basic Node (after some part of Node course)
Based on udemy course but it's not close related to the course project.
In this project I focused mainly on creating Node.js application (with Express.js) and using it with EJS view engine (styled with Bootstrap 4 and some custom css rules). Storing data was solved roughly by using json files. (I plan to enhance the app inplementing data storing in database )
Few years ago a friend of mine needed simple solution to keep track of students attending to educational classes. It was only to get a list of students enrolled in given course when needed. Important was functionality to easy update course / student data, especially to enroll/disenroll people from courses. Back then I was working with Wordpress so I builded a hobby project with solution (with Wordpress and Pods Framework for custom content types and fields).
Now, learning Node.js, I decided to try to use it to create solution for the same problem. Intending to solidify knowledge especially in Node, Express and EJS view engine.
Technologies/frameworks/libraries used
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Mocha
- Bootstrap 4
- Eslint
- Nodemon
Clone the repository and open it in the console
Install all dependencies:
npm install
Run application on localhost
npm start
in your browser