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repo for paper: Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint (ACA) method for gradient estimation in neural ODE

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Update: ACA is now integrated into TorchDiffEqPack ( with more flexiable API to support tuple-output ODEs, memory efficient asynchronous leapfrog integrator (MALI) and more examples.

PyTorch implementation of "Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint" (ACA) for an accurate and differentiable ODE solver [arxiv][slides]

  • This library provides ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers implemented in PyTorch as proposed in [1], and can be plugged into exisiting neural network models.
  • Compared with torchdiffeq implementation, ACA uses a trajectory checkpoint strategy to guarantee numerical accuracy in reverse-mode trajectory, hence is more accurate in gradient estimation.
  • To our knowledge, ACA is the first adaptive solver to enable Neural-ODE model to outperform a ResNet model on benchmark such as Cifar classification, which also supports adaptive-stepsize and error estimation as most widely used softwares.
  • ACA supports conventional parametric ODE models.
  • ACA supports multi-GPU trainng and higher order derivative (e.g. add gradient penalty to the loss function).


  • PyTorch 1.0 (Will test on other versions later)
  • tensorboardX
  • Python 3

How to use

options = {}
options.update({'h': args.h})
options.update({'t0': args.t0})
options.update({'t1': args.t1})
options.update({'rtol': args.rtol})
options.update({'atol': args.atol})
options.update({'print_neval': args.print_neval})
options.update({'neval_max': args.neval_max})
options.update({'t_eval': [t0, t0 + (t1-t0)/10, ...  ,t1]})


  • t_eval should be a list of float type, specifying which time points for the solution to evaluate

  • x is a PyTorch tensor

  • Mode 1: directly get evaluated results

out = odesolve(odefunc, x, options)
  • Mode 2: get the solver then evaluate it
solver = odesolve(odefunc, x, options, return_solver = True)
out = solver.integrate(x, t_eval = option['t_eval'])
  • Mode 3: evaluate at different time points (new_t_eval) with dense mode
options.update({'dense_output': True})
solver = odesolve(odefunc, x, options, return_solver = True)
out = solver.integrate(x, t_eval = option['t_eval'])
out2 = solver.evaluate_dense_mode(t_eval = new_t_eval)  

solver.integrate performs integration and update dense states, solver.evaluate_dense_mode only evaluates without updating dense states


See for a full list of parameters

  • method: which ode solver. Fixed stepsize solvers include ['Euler','RK2','RK4'], adaptive stepsize solvers include ['RK12','RK23','RK45','Dopri5'] ('RK12' is also called 'HeunEuler' in the literature).
  • h: initial stepsize. h must be specified for fixed stepsize solvers, and can be set as None (or not parsed) for adaptive solvers.
  • t0, t1: start and end time. t1 can be either smaller or larger than t0.
  • rtol, atol: relative and absolute error tolerance for adaptive solvers.
  • print_neval: bool type, print number of evaluations of the function.
  • neval_max: the maximum number of function evaluation, typically set as a large number (e.g. 500,000). If this number is reached, the ODE is stiff.

Train with different modes

End-time fast mode

cifar_classification/ uses the solver defined in torch_ACA/odesolver_mem/, this mode only support integration from start time t0 to end time t1, and output a tensor for time t1.

from torch_ACA import odesolve_endtime as odesolve
out = odesolve(odefunc, x, options)

End-time memory-efficient mode

cifar_classification/ uses the solver defined in torch_ACA/odesolver_mem/, this mode only support integration from start time t0 to end time t1, and output a tensor for time t1. Furtheremore, this mode uses O(Nf + Nt) memory, which is more memory-efficient than normal mode, but the running time is longer.

from torch_ACA import odesolve_adjoint as odesolve
out = odesolve(odefunc, x, options)

Multiple evaluation time-points mode

cifar_classification/ uses the solver defined in torch_ACA/odesolver/, this mode supports extracting outputs from multiple time points between t0 and t1.

  • Case1: t_eval contains one evaluation time points
from torch_ACA import odesolve
options.update({'t_eval': [args.t1]})
out = odesolve(odefunc, x, options)
  • Case2: t_eval contains multiple time points
from torch_ACA import odesolve
options.update({'t_eval': [a1, a2, a3, ... an]})
out = odesolve(odefunc, x, options)
out1, out2, ... outn = out[0,...], out[1,...], ... out[n-1,...]
  • Note for multiple evaluation time-points mode:
  (1) Evaluation time 't_eval' must be specified in a list. 
        e.g.  t_eval = [a1, a2, a3 ..., an]  
        where t0 < a1 < a2 < ... t1, or t1 < a1 < a2 < ... < t0 
  (2) Suppose 'z' is of shape 'AxBxCx...', then the output is of shape 'nxAxBxCx...', 
        while in the end-time mode the output is of shape 'AxBxCx...'
  (3) Both multiple time-points mode and end-time fast mode support higher order derivatives 
        (e.g. add gradient penalty in the loss function)
        (e.g. loss.backward(retain_graph=True, create_graph=True); a = param.grad; 
              b = torch.sum(a); b.backward() )
  (4) Adaptive stepsize solver is recommended in multi evaluation time-points mode

Gradient w.r.t. start time t0 and end time t1 when f is non-autonomous

  • In case we need to take derivate w.r.t. time, we can add one more dimension to the output of f, s.t. \frac{dt}{dt}=1. Basically, view time as a separate dimension, whose derivate is a constant 1.
  • Set the start time t0 as a Variable or a Parameter in PyTorch, then you can get its derivative.
  • Gradient w.r.t t1 is somehow trivial, you can simply calculate it as
    \frac{dL}{dt1} = \frac{dL}{dz(t1)} \frac{dz(t1)}{dt1} = \frac{dL}{dz(t1)} f(t1,z(t1), \theta)
  • If we want to get \frac{dL}{dt} where t0<t<t1, there are two cases:
    • (1) We explicitly take out the hidden states z(t), and the loss function contains z(t) explcitly, then \frac{dL}{dz(t)} can be easily solved with standard backpropagation, and \frac{dL}{dt}=\frac{dL}{dz(t)} \frac{dz(t)}{dt} = \frac{dL}{dz(t)}f(t,z(t),\theta).
    • (2) Loss function does not contain z(t) explcitly, this situation is slightly tricky, and we need to solve a separate adjoint equation. The coding to achieve this is somehow messy, and currently not included in this repo.

The type of returned result from f should be a single tensor

  • This repository currently only supports \frac{dz}{dt} = f(t,z) where z is a tensor (other data types such as tuple are not supported).
  • If you are using a function f which produces many output tensors or z is a list of tensors, you can concatenate them into a single tensor within definition of f.


Three-body problem

Please run python .
The problem is: given trajectories of three stars, how to estimate their masses and predict their future trajectory.
Watch the videos in folder figures Alt text

Image classification on Cifar

A ResNet18 is modified into its corresponding ODE model, and achieve ~5% errorate (vs 10% by adjoint method and naive method). Code is in folder cifar_classification

How to train


Visualize the training and validation curve with

tensorboard --logdir cifar_classification/resnet/resnet_RK12_lr_0.1_h_None

Test with different solvers WITHOUT re-training

Test a pre-trained model using different ode solvers, you can specify solver type, stepsize, toelrance and other parameters in

python --method Euler --h 0.2 --resume 'pre-trained weights path'
python --method RK23 --rtol 1e-3 --atol 1e-3 --resume 'pre-trained weights path'



  • Added dense state for ODE solvers, by adding options.update({'dense_output': True}). In this mode, the solver can be called the same way as a function, without re-integrating.
    from torch_ACA.odesolver import odesolve
    options.update({'dense_output': True})
    solver = odesolve(func, initial_condition, options=options, return_solver=True)#, time_points=t_list)
    out = solver.integrate(initial_condition, t_eval=options['t_eval'])
    out_tmp = solver.evaluate_dense_mode(t_eval=options['t_eval'])
    print(torch.sum((out_tmp - out)**2))


[1] Zhuang, Juntang, et al. "Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint Method for Gradient Estimation in Neural ODE." arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.02493 (2020). [arxiv]

Please cite our paper if you find this repository useful:

  title={Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint Method for Gradient Estimation in Neural ODE},
  author={Zhuang, Juntang and Dvornek, Nicha and Li, Xiaoxiao and Tatikonda, 
  Sekhar and Papademetris, Xenophon and Duncan, James},


repo for paper: Adaptive Checkpoint Adjoint (ACA) method for gradient estimation in neural ODE






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