- Web interface for control and configuration.
- Adjustment of the number of frequency bands in real time from 1 to 10.
- Graphic equalizer.
- Audio echo.
- Independent or synchronized adjustments for each audio compressor.
- Audio VU (low speed).
- Audio balance adjustment.
- Audio Pre-emphasis and Post-emphasis by software.
- Output audio peak protection system.
- Settings saving system with preset files.
- Circuit power supply directly from the USB port.
- Simplified scheme with a low number of electronic components.
- The recommended input level is 15dB for PC volume control at 50%.
- To change a slider, first click on it and move it with the directional keys for better precision.
- The default access credentials are admin/admin.
- The WiFi AP credentials are DAP/123mudar.
- The Web interface IP is
- https://github.com/junon10/STM32F411_USB_AUDIO_DAC
- https://github.com/junon10/yummyDSP
- https://github.com/junon10/ArduinoJson (old ArduinoJson 5.x)
- 1 STM32F411 BlackPill
- 1 PCM5102A DAC board
- Junon M.
Contact: junon10@tutamail.com
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and send a pull request.
- v0.2.71 (2024/02/14): Initial commit.
- GPLv3
This dynamic audio compression library is not perfect due to the insufficient speed of esp32, which makes it impossible to use real-time logarithm functions for more than two simultaneous frequency bands. In practice with this lib you get a good effect, but with a not very wide input dynamic range.
There are other compressor variations, for example the unlinked MonoCompressor, which I will add to this code in the next updates.