A ProseMirror plugin that enables @mentions and #hashtags in a prosemirror view.
Demo: https://star-drug.glitch.me/
Alternative: https://github.com/quartzy/prosemirror-suggestions
prosemirror-suggestions is a lighter alternative that comes with the bare minimum. It is upto you to implement the dropdown & related logic.
prosemirror-mentions is a fully packed plugin. It comes with all batteries included: default dropdown UI, behavior handling, support for async fetching of suggestions, etc. Configure options to suit your needs.
npm install prosemirror-mentions
import {addMentionNodes, addTagNodes, getMentionsPlugin} from 'prosemirror-mentions'
var schema = new Schema({
nodes: addTagNodes(addMentionNodes(schema.spec.nodes)),
marks: schema.spec.marks
* IMPORTANT: outer div's "suggestion-item-list" class is mandatory. The plugin uses this class for querying.
* IMPORTANT: inner div's "suggestion-item" class is mandatory too for the same reasons
var getMentionSuggestionsHTML = items => '<div class="suggestion-item-list">'+
items.map(i => '<div class="suggestion-item">'+i.name+'</div>').join('')+
* IMPORTANT: outer div's "suggestion-item-list" class is mandatory. The plugin uses this class for querying.
* IMPORTANT: inner div's "suggestion-item" class is mandatory too for the same reasons
var getTagSuggestionsHTML = items => '<div class="suggestion-item-list">'+
items.map(i => '<div class="suggestion-item">'+i.tag+'</div>').join('')+
var plugins = [/* A list of other plugins */]
var mentionPlugin = getMentionsPlugin({
getSuggestions: (type, text, done) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (type === 'mention') {
// pass dummy mention suggestions
done([{name: 'John Doe', id: '101', email: 'joe@gmail.com'}, {name: 'Joe Lewis', id: '102', email: 'lewis@gmail.com'}])
} else {
// pass dummy tag suggestions
done([{tag: 'WikiLeaks'}, {tag: 'NetNeutrality'}])
}, 0);
getSuggestionsHTML: (items, type) => {
if (type === 'mention') {
return getMentionSuggestionsHTML(items)
} else if (type === 'tag') {
return getTagSuggestionsHTML(items)
plugins.unshift(mentionPlugin); // push it before keymap plugin to override keydown handlers
window.view = new EditorView(document.querySelector("#my-editor-div"), {
state: EditorState.create({
schema: schema,
plugins: plugins
Refer example application for clarifications.
// default options
var defaultOpts = {
// char for triggering @mention
mentionTrigger: "@",
// char for triggering #tag
hashtagTrigger: "#",
// if true: allows you to type @FirstName LastName with a space in between.
allowSpace: true,
* callback to fetch suggestions and return a list of suggestions
* @param {String} type - 'mention' or 'tag'
* @param {String} text - query text. For e.g @Joh -> text = 'Joh'
* @param {Function} done - callback to execute after fetching suggestions (ideally from ajax requests)
getSuggestions: (type, text, done) => {
* callback to construct and return a HTML string for a set of suggestions
* @param {Array} items - a list of suggestions returned from getSuggestions()
* @param {String} type - 'mention' or 'tag'
getSuggestionsHTML: (items, type) =>
'<div class="suggestion-item-list">' +
.map(i =>
'<div class="suggestion-item">' + type === "mention"
? i.name
: i.tag + "</div>"
.join("") +
// css class to add when a .suggestion-item element is active / selected.
activeClass: "suggestion-item-active",
// css class to add to "@Mentioned Text" in editor. Can be used to style, the current active @mention content.
suggestionTextClass: "prosemirror-suggestion",
// Max number of suggestions to show in dropdown UI.
// The response from getSuggestions() will be truncated based on this value.
maxNoOfSuggestions: 10,
// debounce timeout for getSuggestions() call when user types continuously
delay: 500
npm run build
npm run watch
the repository for "TODO:"
Use Github Issues to file requests and bugs.
MIT License