# Slimstarter
A simple starter for php slim framework (demo available here: https://slimstarter.herokuapp.com).
## Dependencies Install dependencies via composer
composer install
Ubuntu/unix : http://sheebypanda.com/installer-composer-sur-ubuntu/ Windows: https://getcomposer.org/Composer-Setup.exe
## Organisation
Router + controllers are in index.php, you can decouple it and organize it better.
Models are in models folder, you must require them in index.php.
Views are un views folder, there are folders for each concerns. Views templates are required in each controller, you can use a template system like twig.
## Layout
Using slim-layout-view for layout (reuse header and footer).
## Named routes
After each route block, there's a method "name". You can call thoses routes with urlFor (I pass the $app variable to the view with a hook).