Eagle and KiCAD libraries for nixie tubes and useful components. Note that many are re-usable for other tubes as they use the same sockets and pin-outs - see nixies.us for links to more information.
To import the .mod files (footprints) in to KiCAD 7.x, click the down arrow next to the folder icon as below:
The libraries include:
- IN-1
- IN-2 (RSH-27 socket)
- IN-3
- IN-4
- IN-6
- IN-7
- IN-8 (RSH-27 socket)
- IN-8-2
- IN-9
- IN-12A (SK-136 socket)
- IN-12B (SK-136 socket)
- IN-13
- IN-14
- IN-15A
- IN-15B
- IN-16
- IN-17
- IN-18 (corrected rotation, two socket variants)
- IN-19A
- IN-19B
- IN-19V
All take 'D-SUB' socket-pins widely available on ebay, unless otherwise noted.
- 6844A (B13B socket)
- B5441A (SK-182 socket, 0.76mm D-SUB holes)
- B5991 (SK-136 socket)
- B7971 (RTS-5 socket)
- B8091/B7094(use RTS-5/TOP-VIEW footprint - mill-max 8331-0-15-15-18-27-10-0 holes)
- CD-11
- CD-12/CD27/CD16B/GN1/GN5 (TSB12P socket, mill-max 0390-0-15-15-08-27-10-0 holes)
- CD47
- CK1918 (RTS-14 socket)
- CK8650
- GENERIC (ZIF socket for tubes with flying leads)
- GN4P
- GR10J (B17A socket)
- GR10K
- GR10N (mill-max 8331-0-15-15-18-27-10-0 holes)
- INS-1
- ITS1A/B (wire holes)
- IV-1
- NE2 (wire holes)
- NL840 (RTS-11 and RTS-14 socket)
- NL848 (RTS-14 socket)
- NL934
- NL7037 (RTS-5 socket)
- XN-3/XN-13/GN-13A/GN-6A (mill-max 0665-0-15-15-30-27-10-0 holes - I use this for many tubes with flying leads)
- Z568M (use RTS-5/DUAL footprint - mill-max 8331-0-15-15-18-27-10-0 holes)
- ZIN18
- ZM1000 (55702 'Eurogrid' socket)
- ZM1042 (B13B socket, multiple hole sizes)
Various component footprints I use on my boards.