I got a home assigment for a job
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React typescript app to call data from TV API MAZE and display TV shows. I use chat GPT quite a lot. Brother and sisters and universe here is the code hope it hels you in what ever you do.
Tv Series search
The assignment is to create a web application that makes it possible for a user to search for information about TV Series using the TV maze API. The TV maze API has a public API which can be used for this assignment, and you can find information about it here: https://www.tvmaze.com/api The project should show the search results in a list and allow the user to see more information about the show in another view. The expected time frame for this assignment is about ~5 hours. Try to limit your work to that timeframe and document in a readme file what you would have done if you had more time. The web application will be judged according to the code readability and structure.
Figma Sketches Feel free to use the sketches found on the link below as the visual look of the web application.
https://www.figma.com/file/WXw4DO16XTJ0Wknr1l6p6J/Sketch-TV-Maze?node- id=0%3A1&t=LrqxLjAO2Z9Ly6KN-1
Requirements The web application must include the “required” requirements. Add the “Nice to have” requirements if time permits. Before you start, read through the whole list so you get a good understanding on what to build. Required • The web application should be responsive and work on both mobile and desktop. • The web application must work on the latest version of the browsers Chrome, Firefox and Edge. • The web application should have two views, one for detailed information and one for search and result.
• The repository of the web application must contain documentation on how to run the application. • The web application should be written in JavaScript or TypeScript and in the framework of your choice.
Nice to have • The web application is written in TypeScript. • The web application is written in ReactJS • The web application is written without CSS libraries and frameworks. • The web application should give the end user feedback concerning errors or when the connection to the API is slow. For example, when they have a slow internet connection. • The web application should have routing set up in such way that the end users can send direct links to detailed information about a certain TV show. • The project should have tests. • If time permits, feel free to add what you think is missing from the application.