Cretaed by: Juan I Diaz (
Date: November 2018
This project is a website version of the game "HANGMAN" where the usere has to guess a word based on certain clues. The project is meant to test the knowledge of JavaScript and reafirm HTML/CSS structure and developent.
- The objective of the game is to guess the FIRST name of one of the charaters of The Simpsons.
- You WIN a GAME/MATCH if you correctly guess all the letters of the character (6).
- You WIN the whole CHALLENGE if you correctly guess all the characters(6).
- How many characters you ask?... it's a surprise!
- There will be an image of the character to help you (3).
- To START the game hit the
key (1). - Once playing hit the letters keys to guess (2).
- Every key used will be shown (4).
- You start with 10 (TEN) lifes... any grong guess will cost you one life (5).
- Once you lose or win press the
to play again (6).
- HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Bootstrap v4
- Feel free to contact the developer @!
- See the project live.