A macro that allow user to play/pause/play_next a spotify track by using a hand gesture.
- OpenCV
- Pillow
- Camera on your computer
- spotilib (Thanks to XanderMJ for making this wonderful library)
How to use:
- Run the SpotifyHandControl.py to start the script
- Use some hand gesture while your spotify is playing
- Enjoy!
Hand Gesture Tutorial: Currently, there are only 2 gestures, play/pause and play_next. Below is the link of Images of hand gesture that you'll need to show your laptop camera to execute the command.
This open palm hand gesture will play/pause the current music on Spotify https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juanchrisniady/SpotifyHandControl/master/hand%20gestures/play_pause.jpg
This closed fist hand gesture will play the next song on your playlist https://raw.githubusercontent.com/juanchrisniady/SpotifyHandControl/master/hand%20gestures/play_next.jpg