- Set up
git clone https://github.com/juaml/brainage_estimation.git
cd brainage_estimation
python3 -m venv brainage_env
source brainage_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install other packages
pip install https://github.com/JamesRitchie/scikit-rvm/archive/master.zip
#brew install gcc # for Mac users in case you don't have it
pip install glmnet
After the set up following codes can be run as provided in the codes
- Get predictions
We provide pretrained models that can used to obtain predictions on new samples.
python3 predict_age.py \
--features_path path_to_features_dir \
--subject_filepaths path_to_txt_file \
--output_path path_to_output_dir \
--output_prefix PREFIX \
--mask_file ../masks/brainmask_12.8.nii \
--smooth_fwhm 4 \
--resample_size 4 \
--model_file ../trained_models/4sites.S4_R4_pca.gauss.models
The arguments are:
should point to a directory where calculated features are stored as apickle
should point to a text file containing path to the CAT12.8'smwp1
file for each subject per line.--output_path
points to a directory where the predictions will be saved.--output_prefix
prefix for the output files.--mask_file
points to the GM mask to be used (defaults to../masks/brainmask_12.8.nii
smoothing kernel size to be used (defaults to4
resampling of the voxels to isometric size (defaults to4
should point to an already trained model (defaults to4sites_S4_R4_pca.gauss.models
This will calculate features with 4mm smoothing and 4mm resampling (S4_R4
) for all subjects in the file provided via --subject_filepaths
The predictions will be performed using the S4_R4_pca+gauss model.
The model will perform PCA
based on the model used.
Note that if the features are available in the --features_path
then they will not be recalculated.
- calculate features: voxel-wise and parcel-wise features
It is possible to calculate features from a list of CAT12.8 files.
Voxel-wise features
python3 calculate_features_voxelwise.py \
--features_path ../data/ADNI/ \
--subject_filepaths ../data/ADNI/ADNI.paths_cat12.8.csv \
--output_prefix ADNI \
--mask_file ../masks/brainmask_12.8.nii \
--smooth_fwhm 4 \
--resample_size 8 \
Parcel-wise features
python3 calculate_features_parcelwise.py \
--features_path ../data/ADNI/ \
--subject_filepaths ../data/ADNI/ADNI.paths_cat12.8.csv \
--output_prefix ADNI \
--mask_file ../masks/BSF_173.nii \
--num_parcels 173 \
- Within-site: Train models
python3 within_site_train.py \
--demographics_file ../data/ixi/ixi.subject_list_cat12.8.csv \
--features_file ../data/ixi/ixi.173 \
--output_path ../results/ixi \
--output_prefix ixi.173 \
--models rvr_lin \
--pca_status 0
The arguments are:
should point to acsv
file with four columns{'subject', 'site', 'age', 'gender'}
should point to apickle
file with features.--output_path
points to a directory where the models, scores and results will be saved.--output_prefix
prefix for output files which will be used to create three files.models
, and.results
one or more models to train, multiple models can be provided as a comma separated list.--pca_status
either 0 (no PCA) or 1 (for PCA retaining 100% variance).
This will run outer 5-fold and inner 5x5-fold cross-validation.
In case you are using HTcondor
, you can also use the provided submit file.
condor_submit within_site_ixi.submit
- Within-site: Read results from saved models
python3 within_site_read_results.py --data_nm ../results/ixi/ixi.
- Within-site: Get predictions from 128 workflows
python3 within_site_combine_predictions.py \
--demographics_file ../data/ixi/ixi.subject_list_cat12.8.csv \
--features_path ../data/ixi/ixi. \
--model_path ../results/ixi/ixi. \
--output_prefix all_models_pred
- Within-site: Bias correction
python3 within_site_bias_correction.py \
--input_predictions_file ../results/ixi/ixi.all_models_pred.csv \
--BC_predictions_file ../results/ixi/ixi.all_models_pred_BC.csv
- Cross-site: Train and test
First train a model with three sites.
python3 cross_site_train.py \
--demographics_file ../data/ixi_camcan_enki/ixi_camcan_enki_subject_list_cat12.8.csv \
--features_file ../data/ixi_camcan_enki/ixi_camcan_enki.173 \
--output_path ../results/ixi_camcan_enki \
--output_prefix ixi_camcan_enki.173 \
--models rvr_lin \
--pca_status 0
Now we can make predictions on the hold-out site using all models available in the --model_path
python3 cross_site_combine_predictions.py \
--demographics_file ../data/1000brains/1000brains.subject_list_cat12.8.csv \
--features_path ../data/1000brains/1000brains. \
--model_path ../results/ixi_camcan_enki/ixi_camcan_enki. \
--output_prefix pred_1000brains_all
- Cross-site: Read results from saved models
Create cross-validation scores from cross-site predictions.
python3 cross_site_read_results.py --data_nm ../results/ixi_camcan_enki/ixi_camcan_enki.
- Cross-site: Bias correction
Using the CV predictions from the training data:
python3 cross_site_bias_correction.py \
--demographics_file ../data/ixi_camcan_enki_1000brains/ixi_camcan_enki_1000brains.subject_list_cat12.8.csv \
--features_file ../data/ixi_camcan_enki_1000brains/ixi_camcan_enki_1000brains.S4_R4 \
--model_file ../results/ixi_camcan_enki_1000brains/4sites.S4_R4_pca_cv.gauss
Using the control subjects from the testing data:
This code will train bias correction model using the predictions and age from the control group (CN
) group and apply to it the full sample. It needs demographics_file
which should contain age
and Research Group
columns, and Research Group
column should contain CN
category. predictions_file
should contain a column for predictions defined by predictions_column_name
. The bias corrected predictions will be saved in the same location as predictions_file
with a prefix defined by output_prefix
python3 cross_site_bias_correction_using_CN.py \
--demographics_file ../data/ADNI/ADNI.subject_list_cat12.8.csv \
--predictions_file ../results/ADNI/ADNI.S4_R4_pca.gauss.prediction.csv \
--predictions_column_name S4_R4_pca+gauss \
--output_prefix _BC