Llamaste is a Ruby C Extension which wraps llama.cpp to enable using the LLaMA text model inside Ruby.
Add to your gemfile using Bundler
gem 'llamaste', :git => 'git://github.com/jtp184/llamaste.git'
or clone and install globally using rake compile install
# Configure model params like filepath, tokens to generate, context size, etc
# These are the defaults (apart from model)
params = {
model: './models/30B/ggml-model-q4_0.bin',
seed: Time.now.to_i,
threads: Etc.nprocessors, # n_threads
tokens: 128, # n_predict
penalize_tokens: 64, # repeat_last_n
parts: 1, # n_parts
context_size: 512, # n_ctx
top_k: 40,
top_p: 0.95,
temperature: 0.8, # temp
repeat_penalty: 1.1,
batch_size: 8, # n_batch
memory_lock: false, # use_mlock
memory_f16: false,
embedding: false,
use_mmap: true,
lora_base: nil,
lora_adapter: nil
@model = Llamaste::Model.new(params)
# Load model into memory
# Optionally choose a different model
text_input = 'It was a dark and stormy night'
token = @model.tokenize(text_input)
# =>
# <Llamaste::TokenGroup:0x00007f564a6a9b48
# @string="It was a dark and stormy night",
# @tokens=
# [["It", 3112],
# [" was", 471],
# [" a", 263],
# [" dark", 6501],
# [" and", 322],
# [" storm", 14280],
# ["y", 29891],
# [" night", 4646]]
# >
# Generate based on tokens or text, returns a string.
# Providing a block will yield a string for each generated token
@model.call(token) { |tkn| print tkn }
# => ", and I was on a plane headed for somewhere, but I didn’t know where."
# Set strings to break early on
@model.call('When it is raining I need to bring my', break_on: ["\n"])
# => " umbrella."
Evaluate prompt and then save context out to a binary string
# Save to string
File.open('cache.bin', 'w+b') { |f| f << @model.cache_prompt('Something wicked this way') }
# Resume evaluating prompt from binary string
@model.resume_prompt('Something wicked this way', File.binread('cache.bin'))
Return an embedding for an input prompt
# Need to set embedding mode and reload context to embed tokens
@model.params[:embedding] = true
# Create embedding
@model.embed('Pineapple on pizza is') # => TextEmbedding
# K-cluster embeddings, supply embeddings array and k to cluster, and optional max_iterations for clustering
e = EmbeddingCluster.call(
['Oxygen is a', 'Nitrogen is a', 'Iron is a', 'Copper is a'].map { |t| @model.embed(t) },
e.clusters.map { |c| c.map(&:to_str) }
# => [["Oxygen is a", "Iron is a", "Copper is a"], ["Nitrogen is a"]]
Bug reports, feature interest, and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jtp184/llamaste.
- Remain up to date with
- Increase feature offering, configurability
- Increase quality of extension C++
Simple ChatGPT clone running on local via rails
- Georgi Gerganov's amazing llama.cpp code, this gem would not be possible without it
- Meta's LLaMA model
- The Ruby C API