- create a .env file with the following or similar properties:
- make sure your node and yarn are up to date:
"node" = "^11.13.0",
"yarn" = "^1.15.2"
- create a database schema in mysql:
CREATE DATABASE board_tracker;
- from the root folder install packages using yarn:
- from the root folder build site to run, sometimes you need to run this twice:
yarn build
- from the root folder run seeds to add some starter data to the page:
yarn seed
- from the root folder run server:
yarn start
use bcs login info to log in to the website at http://localhost:8080/ deployed at http://whiteboardtrack.herokuapp.com/
accept terms that your github picture and username might be shared.
create a whiteboarding problem using MarkDown to style the question including the use of code snippets with three backtick (`) marks and your language of choice!
look at existing whiteboarding problems that are currently available.
use bcs info to allow students to answer whiteboarding problems publicly to everyone who uses the site, or privately within their class, or more privately with only their TAs/Instructors.
- Allow anyone who has access to the student's answers to comment on the answer to provide feedback and growth.
allow instructors and tas to keep track of a student's profile of what questions they have answered already.
allow students to dive into problems at home and also keep track of what questions they've done themselves.