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Modules: Number

Alex Bruno Cáceres edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

Useful methods to deal with numbers.


Formats a given number to a localized string.

It requires two arguments: number and locale. You can also pass in a third argument to set up the decimal length.

import { numberFormat } from '@jsweb/utils/modules/number'

const number = 1234567.89
const br = numberFormat(number, 'pt-BR') // 1.234.568
const en = numberFormat(number, 'en-US') // 1,234,568
const fr = numberFormat(number, 'fr-FR') // 1 234 568
const decimals = numberFormat(number, 'pt-BR', 2) // 1.234.567,89


Formats a given number to a localized currency string.

It requires three arguments: number, locale, and currency. You can also pass in a fourth argument to set up the decimal length.

import { currencyFormat } from '@jsweb/utils/modules/number'

const number = 1234567.89
const br = currencyFormat(number, 'pt-BR', 'BRL') // R$ 1.234.567,89
const en = currencyFormat(number, 'en-US', 'USD') // $1,234,567.89
const fr = currencyFormat(number, 'fr-FR', 'EUR') // 1 234 567,89 €


Checks if a given number is between two other numbers (inclusive).

import { isBetween } from '@jsweb/utils/modules/number'

const check = isBetween(256, 128, 512) // true
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