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A proposal for OTTL improvements along with prototype implementation.


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OpenTelemetry Transformation Template Language Experimentation

This repository represents experiments for the OpenTelemetry template language.

Specifically, we're investigating a few optimisations:

  • An extension that simplifies manipulating nested datastructures (like protos), as this is core/critical to transformation of OTLP.
  • A type system for OTTL.
    • This should help catch errors earlier, and provide better error messages.
    • This could improve runtime performance via hot-path accessors for datatypes.
  • Possibility of a multi-pass optimiser to reduce necessary components in evaluation.


A hazy definition of the grammar.

<statement> :=
  on <context-identifier>

<context-identifier> := 'span' | 'spanevent' | 'metrics' | 'log'

<statement-action> :=
  'drop' | 
  'yield' <expr>

<pattern-match> := 'when' <expr> 'is' <pattern-extractor>

<pattern-extractor> := 
  <identifier> |
  <identifier> '(' <pattern_extractor> ')'

<expr> := 
  <application> |
  <binary_expr> |
  <accessor> |
  <structure_constructor> |
  <list_expr> |
  <literal> |

# Calling a function
<application> := <expr> '(' optional_repeated(<expr>, ',') ')'

# Binary Operations
<binary_expr> := <expr> <binary_op> <expr>
<binary_op> :=
   '==' | "!=" |             # Boolean operators
   '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' |   # numeric operators
   'with' |                  # Structural join
   'in'                      # contained-in operator.

# Accessing members
<accessor> := <expr> '.' <identifier>

# Defining ad-hoc structure
<structure_constructor> :=  '{' optional_repeated(<field-assignment>, ',') '}'
<field-assignment> := <identifier> ':' <expr>

# Defining a list of items
<list_expr> := '[' optional_repeated(<expr>, ',') ']'

# TODO - specifiy allowed strings for identifiers.
<identifier> := ...

# Literals, e.g. true, false, "Hi", 1.
<literal> :=
  "Nil" |
  <bool-literal> |
  <int-literal> |
  <double-literal> |
<string-literal> := ...
<int-literal> := ...
<bool-literal> := "true" | "false"
<double-literal> := ...

We're using some hackery to have left-recursive grammars in "nom".

Type System.

We have the following types:

  • AnyValue - A special type, mostly acting as a union of types allowed in attributes.
  • Nil - A bottom type.
  • Constructor(name, args) - A named type, with possible type arguments (e.g. Int, List[A])
  • Structural(fields) - A structural type consisting of known fields and their types.

TODO - Formal specification

  • Nil is a subtype of all types.
  • Bool, Int, Double, Bytes, ArrayValue, KeyValueList are subtypes of AnyValue.
  • A Structural type is mergable with a named type IFF the fields of the structural type are assignable to fields of the named type.

We have an ad-hoc type inference system in place. When inferring the type of a List, it is able to unify Nil => {special primitive types} => AnyValue. This means lists are NOT guaranteed to be homogenous.

Compiler Phases

  1. Parser takes raw strings and turns it into an AST.
  2. Typer takes the AST and inferrs/assigned types returning a typed AST.
  3. IR transforms the AST into an intermediate representation on which we can perform our optimisations.
  4. transform has optimisations we execute before outputing our final interpretation nodes.
    • We remove any mathematical operations that can be calculated at compile time.
    • We flatten the with (Merge) operations to a set of set(field,value) operations.

By the end of the compiler, the only IR nodes left should be:

MultiExpr(exprs) // Evaluate all of these.
Lookup(id)       // Pull a value from context, e.g. span.status.code
Literal(value)   // A compile-time constant to use/provide.
MakeList(exprs)  // Construct a list using the expressions provided.
FunctionApply(name, exprs) // Execute a function with given set of value.

Note: MultiExpr should NOT appear anywhere a single value is expected.

Built-In Environment

  • span has type Span
  • metric has type Metric
  • resource has type Resource

Built-in Types

While this isn't expressible in the OTTL language, we define a symbol table against named types that looks as follows:

struct Time {}
struct SpanID {}
struct TraceID {}
struct SpanStatus {
  code Int,
  message String,
struct Span {
  name String,
  kind Int,
  status SpanStatus,
  startTime Time,
  endTime Time,
  spanID SpanID,
  traceId TraceID,
  // TODO - attributes, events, dropped*

struct Log {
  spanID SpanID,
  traceId TraceID,
  time Time,
  observed_time Time,
  severity_number Int,
  severity_text String,
  body AnyVal,
  flags Int,
  // TODO - attributes

The rest of the types are unimplemented as this is just a proof-of-concept.

Built-in Symbols / Functions

We expose the following built-in symbols (note this is pseudo-code not expressable OTTL)

func aSum(metric *Metric) Option[*Sum]


  • Flatten structural merging to Set calls to showcase existing OTTL.
  • Implement string literals
  • Implement comperhensions for lists + key-value lists.
  • Move off nom-recursive to a more robust solution.
  • Evaluate literal arithmetic operations in compiler.
  • Allow comments in the language.
  • Formal Type specification
  • Enforce requirements after each phase/transform of the tree.


Structural literal with compile-time-evaluation

on span
yield span with {
    status: {
        code: 1+2-3
    kind: 2


context: span
guard: true
expr: set(span.kind, 2)
      set(span.status.code, 0)

Pattern match with expansion to guard

on metric
when metric is aSum(sum)
yield metric with { 
    sum: sum 


context: metric
guard: IsSome(aSum(metric))
expr: set(metric.sum, OptGet(aSum(metric)))

Note: this assumes:

  • aSum built in function of (*Metric) Option[*Sum].
  • IsSome built in function of [k] (*Option[k]) bool.
  • OptGet built-in function of [k] (*Option[k]) k.


A proposal for OTTL improvements along with prototype implementation.







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