Install-Module -Name BitbucketCLI
Import-Module BitbucketCLI.psm1
Take a look at the available functions for:
If you want to use bitbucket cloud you just need the following
New-BitbucketSession -Workspace <workspace>
New-BitbucketSession -Workspace <workspace> `
-Password "<ClientSecret>" `
-Username "<ClientId>" `
Create an app password for your account thru the following link:
New-BitbucketSession -Workspace <workspace> `
-Password "<app-password>" `
-Username "jsoliveir" `
New-BitbucketSession -BaseUrl https://bitbucket.server.local `
New-BitbucketSession -Workspace organization
New-BitbucketSession -Workspace organization
Get-BitbucketCloudBranches -Repository bitbucketcli
#create a new session on bitbucket cloud
# (by default the server is
$SESSION_CLOUD = New-BitbucketSession `
#create a new session on bitbucket server
$SESSION_ONPREM = New-BitbucketSession `
-BaseUrl https://bitbucket.server.local `
Get-BitbucketCloudRepositories -Session $SESSION_CLOUD
Get-BitbucketCloudRepositories -Session $SESSION_ONPREM
Import-Module -Force .\BitbucketCLI.psm1
$WORKSPACE = "jsoliveir";
#temporary repositories clone path
$REPO_CLONE_PATH = "temp/repositories";
#repositories filter
#OAuth client Id
$BITBUCKET_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID ="oauth_bitbucket_client_id"
#OAuth client secret
$BITBUCKET_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET ="oauth_bitbucket_client_secret"
#create a new session on bitbucket cloud
$SESSION_CLOUD = New-BitbucketSession `
-BaseUrl `
#create a new session on bitbucket onprem
$SESSION_ONPREM = New-BitbucketSession `
-BaseUrl https://bitbucket.server.local `
-Password "bitbucket_app_password" `
-Username "domain_user"
# fetch onprem bitbucket repositories
$REPOSITORIES_ONPREM = Get-BitbucketServerRepositories `
# filter out unwanted repositories
| Where-Object { "$($_.project.key)/$($" -imatch $REPOSITORY_MATCH_PATTERN }
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "The following onprem repositories will be mirrored"
$REPOSITORIES_ONPREM | Select-Object id, @{n="repository";e={"$($_.project.key)/$($"}} | Format-Table
@($REPOSITORIES_ONPREM ) | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Mirroring $($_.Name)"
Remove-BitbucketCloudRepository `
-Name $_.Name `
New-BitbucketCloudRepository `
-ProjectKey $_.project.key `
-Name $_.Name `
Enable-BitbucketCloudPipelines `
-RepositoryName $_.Name `
# mirror onprem repositories tk the cloud
git clone "https://user_name:secret@bitbucket.server.local/scm/$($_.project.key)/$($" $REPO_PATH
git -C $REPO_PATH push -f --mirror "https://x-token-auth:$($SESSION_CLOUD.AccessToken)${WORKSPACE}/$($"
Remove-Item -Recurse $REPO_PATH -Force