cddec59 Updated README with example of decoding and dbc file with >8 byte message (#6)
6e5dbc8 Merge pull request #5 from jshiv/feature/message_decode
cdee1a2 Updated message.Decode to use signal.Decode internally
36ce676 Added message.Decode method
51c1b50 Merge pull request #4 from jshiv/fix/do_not_shift_ranges_signal_decode
f845a4a Added unit tests for UnmarshalPhysical() and UnmarshalPhysicalPayload()
fd0c28c Added unit tests to test Decode() and DecodePayload()
592beb4 Added unit tests for Decode() to signal_test.go
b87d69e Added Decode and DecodePayload signal methods for decoding without shifting ranges