Repository for Cardano node deployment using helm.
Custom images built with tekton pipelines and also custom haskell-cabal tekton builder.
Work in progress. The goal is to implement a fully working API using Helm + Helmfiles and/or ArgoCD
Kubernetes cluster on version 1.20+
Helm 3
For local:
- Docker engine
git clone
mkdir db/
docker pull$VERSION-$BUILD_ID
docker run -ti -e NETWORK=mainnet -v $PWD/docker/node/config/:/opt/cardano/files -v $PWD/db/:/opt/cardano/db$VERSION-$BUILD_ID
Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:
helm repo add <<myrepo>>
you can search the charts via:
helm install cardano-helm <<myrepo>>/cardano-helm --namespace <<mynamespace>> --values <<myvalues.yaml>>
You can have a look at the underlying charts YAML at: index.yaml