Easy tool for lazy whale
Have python 2.7 installed
git clone https://github.com/Tulsene/LazyWhale cd LazyWhale git checkout dev python Lazy.py
Proposal for handling API Keys in ENV_VARS Exemple usage on windows (on a .bat file)
SET API_KEY="7JDLBZMI-HPWMRUVZ-D968SXSP-RJ92NSQK"&& SET API_SECRET="f745921a6e73eef13b9f72a4ab05f0a77a311f4cfa40a5b968e0ce3229626471cf4b832627791eb1c5e4352e7770dbd684d75d78f2acf3aa8fdb9ed21b63119"&& python Lazy.py
Equivalent for Debian (in a .sh for exemple)
export API_SECRET=f745921a6e73eef13b9f72a4ab05f0a77a311f4cfa40a5b968e0ce3229626471cf4b832627791eb1c5e4352e7770dbd684d75d78f2acf3aa8fdb9ed21b63119
python Lazy.py
In the file Lazy.py setup setup globals variables for your strategy
LW is a simple script for poloniex marketplace wich do market making in a preset range.
You choose your trading pair then setup buy & sell pair too.
amount = the amount of sell pair wich will be used every times
increment = price between 2 order of the same type
buy_price_min & sell_price_max = the trading range for the script
buy_price_max & sell_price_min = your spread between your buy & sell orders
nb_orders_to_display = number of orders displayed in each side of the order book