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Over-Engineered Weather App ⛅

This project is an over-engineered weather app, the purpose of this repo is to demonstrate the ability with multiple technologies.

Index 📍

  1. Technologies used in this repo
  2. Decistion-making
  3. Front-end technologies
  4. Design
  5. Back-end technologies
  6. Deployment
  7. Code quality and standarization
  8. Local development
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Next steps
    3. Start front-end service
    4. Start back-end service
  9. Considerations

Technologies used in this repo 🛠️

Javascript, Typescript, Vite, React, Tailwind, Jest, Node, Express, Figma, AWS EC2, Github Actions, Eslint, Prettier, Husky, Docker*, Docker Compose*.

Decision-making 🧭

The first step when developing any kind of project should be to analise the needs of the project and to decide which technologies are better suited for those needs.

In this case, the goal of the project is to show-case my abilities with different technologies and knowledge on the field.

Every one of the next sections of this file contains a brief description of the technologies used and why they have been chosen.

Front-end technologies 🖥️

The project's front-end is based on React, as it is the most popular Javascript framework. Next.j could be another option, but since this project won't have take advantage of SSR (Server Side Rendering), it won't be much useful.

The project has been created using Vite, as it allows us to have more controll over the project dependencies that CRA, and it is simpler than the Webpack approach.

To test the web, React Testing Library and Jest has been used, as the combination of both allows us to have enough testability.

Design ⭐

As the app is going to be mainly used in mobiles phones, it has been decided to take a 'mobile first' approach. Although it is responsive and can be used from desktop too.

To speed up the design process, a css library like Tailwind has been implemented.

Figma has been the tool used to develop the mockups and the final designs. The design use a 60:30:10 ratio of colors.

Final design

mobile design desktop design

Figma designs

figma project

Back-end technologies ⚙️

The backend could be omitted from the project, as the necessary calls to the APIs, could be made directly from the front-end, but as the goal of the project is to show-case the ability with the tool, it has been decided to have a back-end service.

The backend uses Express, a Node.js framework, because it is light and very easy to work with.

The project do not use any database system, as it is not required to store any user information.

Deployment 🚅

The website can be accessed through the domain Its connection is encrypted with SSL signed by Letsencript.

To make the project publicly available, it is deployed at an EC2 instance in AWS, which also have a NGinx server, to manage its call.

To speed up the deployment process a CI/CD pipeline has been established using GitHub CI/CD and pm2.

This project initially used Docker for the deployment, but it was later decided to stop using it, as it was more inconvenient. The Docker compose file and each of the Dockerfiles used are still present in the project, as the goal of it is to showcase.

Code quality and standardization 🪝

To ensure the quality of the code and its standardization, tools Husky is used. It allows us to run Prettier, ESlint, and test before committing to the repo.

Local development 👨‍💻

This guide assume you are using a Linux base distribution or MacOS. If you are a Windows user, please follow these steps using the instructions using the documentation of each technology for windows.


In order to test the project locally you would need first some dependencies first some dependencies.

  1. Install npm
sudo apt install npm

The project uses Node v18. In order to obtain it, you can download npm and then nvm

  1. Install nvm

  2. Use Node v18

nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts
  • Install typescript globally
npm i -g typescript

Nex steps

  1. Clone the repository in your desire destination.

  2. Enter the repo.

cd /your/desired/path

Start front-end service

Open another terminal to start the front-end service. In the new terminal cd into the frontend/ folder which is inside the project's root folder.

  1. Enter the frontend's folder.
cd frontend/
  1. Create a .env file
touch .env
  1. Write the following variables into the file
  1. Install the dependencies
npm install
  1. Start local development
npm run dev

Start backend-end service

Open another terminal to start the backend-end service. In the new terminal cd into the backend/ folder which is inside the project's root folder.

In order to create the backend service, it is required to create a self-signed SSL cert, for local development.

  1. Go to the folder where you want to save the ssl certificate.
cd /your/path/to/the/ssl/certificate/
  1. Create the SSL certificate
openssl req -x509 -out localhost.crt -keyout localhost.key   -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256   -subj '/CN=localhost' -extensions EXT -config <(printf "[dn]\nCN=localhost\n[req]\ndistinguished_name = dn\n[EXT]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:localhost\nkeyUsage=digitalSignature\nextendedKeyUsage=serverAuth")
  1. Now with the certificate created, go back to the project folder
cd /your/desired/path
  1. Enter the backend's folder
cd backend/
  1. Create a .env file
touch .env
  1. Write the following variables into the file
  1. Install the dependencies
npm install
  1. Compile the project
npm run build
  1. Run the development server
npm run start


  • Sometimes the domain resolution takes a bit of time, in which case it is easier to visit the page using the IP address.

  • From time to time the EC2 instance gets overwhelmed for not apparent reason, which makes the CI/CD to freeze.