A peer-to-peer Cards Against Humanity game for iOS, written with Multipeer Connectivity in Swift 4.
This project uses the following libraries:
- PeerKit for event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity
- Cartography for layout
- SVProgressHUD for HUDs
Running this game from source will use a small, very mild, impossible to offend subset of the Cards Against Humanity cards.
However, simply set let pg13 = false
in CardManager.swift to gain access to the entirety of the card collection.
This project is under the MIT license.
Thanks to Cards Against Humanity for this great CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 game! This project is unaffiliated with the good people behind Cards Against Humanity. You should buy their game!
Thanks to Hangouts Against Humanity for the cards!
While it is not strictly forbidden by the license, I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't redistribute this app exactly the way it is in the App Store. There's nothing stopping you, but please don't be a jerk.