This repository houses a package suite for lidar/visual/inertial/plus SLAM for the EELS mission concept.
SERPENT builds and optimises a factor graph online as shown in the factor graph below. This factor graph contains a 16-dimensional robot state, including position (3-dim), rotation (3-dim), accelerometer bias (3-dim), gyroscope bias (3-dim) and barometer bias (1-dim).
The intention is for SERPENT to be run with any subset of sensor modalities, with the current options being:
- Stereo
- Barometer
The current best results are achieved with IMU + LiDAR + Barometer. Stereo is not currently working correctly.
Note that when IMU factors are disabled, the system still runs with IMU in a loosely-coupled manner.
In addition to specific issues which are tracked through version control, SERPENT has some limitations:
- Unfortunately there are currently some implicit assumptions in the implementation which mean that not all combinations of sensor modalities can be run. More specifically, IMU and LiDAR streams are currently required for the code to run. Having said this, they need not be included as factors in the graph. Generalising to all combinations of input sensor modalities is on the roadmap.
- Stereo factors usually result in an crash in the optimisation backend, often in the form of a
. - Currently the system is sensitive to having message drop for intra-node communication (it is fine if inputs, such as LiDAR, stereo frames or IMU are dropped).
- Point-to-plane ICP covariance estimation methods that use a non-spherical LiDAR sensor noise model are not strictly valid when using VoxelGrid filtering, especially in the mapping module.
- SERPENT has only been tested with an Ouster OS0, and the formatting module is quite limited in what types of point clouds it supports. New LiDARs will likely require an extension of this module.
- The barometer is fused when available (can be after optimisation) because on the tested system barometer measurements occured at a low frame rate. This highlights the fact that there are implicit assumptions in the code about the sensor rates.
- Provide demos/datasets, example configuration and launch files for new users. Current working configuration/launch files for the EELS robot are in closed-source repositories.
- Generalise frontend to take as input any combination of sensor streams - do not require IMU and LiDAR. For example separate the idea of "sensor_factor" from "sensor", because we want to use IMU for initialisation and motion estimation even if not tightly fused in the backend, and we don't want the system to hang if no IMU stream is available.
- Redesign and robustify the stereo tracking pipeline, including addition of RANSAC, ideally guided by the motion prediction (from IMU or forward propagation of current velocity if available).
- Robustify system to sensor dropout.
- Multi-IMU support/integration.
- Detailed documentation on configuration options.
- Careful considerations of sensor rates for sensor fusion, and subsequent generalisation of frontend and backend.
- Multi-stereo support/integration.
For development purposes, a simple system structure diagram is provided below. Last updated 17/03/2023.
The following dependencies assume a Ubuntu 20.04 system. This section is ordered roughly in the order that dependencies should be installed.
Follow the install instructions at
The remaining instructions assume a catkin
workspace initialised at ~/catkin_ws
. If you system configuration differs then modify the instructions accordingly.
It is recommended that all packages be built in a release mode. You can modify your catkin
configuration with:
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
Tested with 3.3.7, the default Ubuntu 20.04 release at time of writing.
Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
Follow the ROS build instructions at In summary:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build fast_gicp
Tested with 4.0.3, the latest stable release of GTSAM 4 available on Ubuntu 20.04, and 4.2.0 installed from source.
There are two reasons to install a recent version of GTSAM from source:
The barometer factor is only available in 4.2.0. If you want to integrate barometer measurments it is necessary to install GTSAM >= 4.2.0 from source.
There is a minor bug in
which was only resolved in the4.2a8
pre-release of4.2.0
which may have a small effect on accuracy. See borglab/gtsam#874 and borglab/gtsam#368 for more details.
Ubuntu 20.04 (instructions at
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:borglab/gtsam-release-4.0
sudo apt install libgtsam-dev
Uninstall with:
sudo apt remove libgtsam-dev
sudo apt autoremove
git clone
cd gtsam
git checkout <version>
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
make check -j
sudo make install
Note there may be some cmake
parameters of interest, which can be easily configured with ccmake ..
Uninstall with:
cd build
sudo make uninstall
Tested with 4.2.0, the Ubuntu 20.04 default, and 4.6.0 installed from source. SERPENT uses SIFT as one of its stereo feature types, however SIFT lost its patent only in March 2020, so is only part of core OpenCV starting from version 4.4.0. Therefore you will not be able to use SIFT features if installing a version before 4.4.0.
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
git clone
git clone
cd opencv
git checkout <version>
cd ../opencv_contrib
git checkout <version>
cd ../opencv
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib-4.x/modules ..
cmake --build . -j
sudo cmake --build . --target install
If it is desirable to keep an older version of OpenCV installed on your system, you can do so, making sure to turn on the OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE flag while building.
Note that if you install OpenCV from source, you must also install cv_bridge
from source.
If you installed OpenCV from source (see OpenCV section), you will have to install cv_bridge
from source to avoid conflicting opencv libraries. One way to build cv_bridge from source:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd vision_opencv
git checkout noetic
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build cv_bridge
should now be linked to your installed version of OpenCV.
Tested with 1.10, the default version for Ubuntu 20.04. This usually comes with a full ROS install.
sudo apt install libpcl-dev
sudo apt install ros-noetic-pcl-conversions
First clone the repository to your ~/catkin_ws/src
Build in release mode (or similar) for real-time operation:
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build serpent
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
If you did not configure your catkin
environment to build in a release mode, then you should build with --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
(see ROS section).
catkin test serpent
To test all the packages, you can simply run:
catkin test
SERPENT provides many configuration options for the system, for which a set of defaults can be found in serpent/config
. Here is a description of each file:
File | Description |
debug |
Parameters which if true may provide extra output (console or visualisation) at some computational cost. |
filter |
Parameters which describe how to filter sensor data. Note that map filtering is in tuning . |
format |
Parameters which describe how to reformat incoming sensor data so that it can be understood by SERPENT. |
mission |
Parameters relating to the specific mission, such as initial pose, gravity, etc. |
normal_estimation |
Parameters relating to point cloud normal estimation. |
robot |
Parameters describing the configuration and properties of the robot, especially the rigid body (transform) frames. |
tuning |
Parameters for tuning SERPENT. |
Here are some of the crucial parameters:
File | Parameter/Parameter Block | Description |
filter |
voxel_grid_filter/leaf_size |
This has a huge impact on point cloud size, and therefore real-time performance of SERPENT. The smaller the leaf_size , the slower all point cloud operations are but the more accurate the final result. |
robot |
body_frames |
This must be set up correctly for SERPENT to work. The documentation in eigen_ros/body_frames.hpp describes how this is achieved, as well as the Frame Conventions section in this README. |
tuning |
imu |
This describes the noise characteristics of your IMU. |
tuning |
barometer |
This describes the noise characteristics of your barometer. |
tuning |
mdc |
Motion distortion correction of the LiDAR point cloud based on estimated motion over the sweep period. |
tuning |
optimisation |
Describes which factors are enabled, and whether to marginalise older states. |
tuning |
registration_covariance |
Describes the configuration of the registration covariance estimation method. |
tuning |
s2s |
Describes scan-to-scan registration. |
tuning |
s2m |
Describes scan-to-map (local map) registration. |
tuning |
mapping |
Describes the construction of the local and global maps. The threshold parameters determine the required spacing between keyclouds. |
tuning |
stereo_factors |
Describes the covariance and noise model of stereo factors. |
tuning |
stereo_factors/left_cam_frame |
Selection of stereo camera to use, much match block in body_frames . Note also the stereo_camera launch file parameter. |
tuning |
stereo_tracking |
Describes the configuration of the stereo tracking module. |
It is highly recommended that you create a set of configuration files for your exact purpose, modifying the defaults where necessary. In particular the following must be changed for any expectation of a working system:
configuration fileimu
configuration fileoptimisation
configuration file
To run everything together:
roslaunch serpent serpent.launch <arg>:=<value> ...
To run the frontend and backend as separate processes:
roslaunch serpent serpent_frontend.launch <arg>:=<value> ...
roslaunch serpent serpent_backend.launch <arg>:=<value> ...
This latter option may be useful if, for example, you want to run SERPENT on a remote machine and only want to run the frontend on the robot, where the pointcloud can be deskewed and downsampled before it is sent over the network.
An important parameter in the launch file is the number of threads to run with, e.g. threads:=8
. Configure this to a sensible number for your application and device.
The run with a rosbag, ensure use_sim_time:=true
is set when launching and it is essential to include the --clock
rosbag play ./*.bag --clock --pause --rate 1
Four options are provided by serpent.launch
Alternatively the visualisation can be launched separately with serpent_visualisation.launch
To generate plots for trials and compare to ground truth reference, first record the output odometry to file.
Then run main.m
from its directory with MATLAB after configuring the config and plot options to your datatset.
To run from the command line:
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('main.m'); exit;"
The following plots will be generated:
- position vs ground truth, position APE, position RPE
- orientation vs ground truth in angle-axis form, orientation APE, orientation RPE
- linear velocity vs ground truth, linear velocity AE, linear velocity RE
- angular velocity vs ground truth, angular velocity AE, angular velocity RE
- covariance plots
- stereo-feature to lidar distance plots
SERPENT uses the eigen_ros::BodyFrames
abstraction layer in its handling of robot reference frames, which is compatible with the ROS TF tree architecture. It is important to keep in mind that frame and frame_id
are two separate concepts, where eigen_ros::BodyFrames
defines frames, with which ROS any number of frame_id
can be associated. For example when messages are published to ROS or transforms must be looked up via the TF2 api, the frame_id
is used. In order for SERPENT to operate correctly, it requires the following configuration parameters:
which resides in the tuning config file (e.g.tuning_default.yaml
), and defaults to"map"
if not set explicitly. -
block which defines the robot body frames in a way that is consistent with the documentation ineigen_ros/body_frames.hpp
. The top-level frame (body_frame_name
in the documentation) defined in this block is used by SERPENT as the body frame reference of all sensors during optimisation. There must also be abase_link
frame somewhere in the hierarchy, or as a dynamic link. A typical use case will have the top-level framebody_frame_name
set tobase_link
(note theframe_id
can be set by the user to be different frombase_link
), but thebase_link
frame can in fact exist anywhere in the hierarchy, or as adynamic
link. SERPENT will produce map_frame -> base_link transforms and poses (with covariance), which may differ from the poses of the underlying optimisation (map_frame -> body_frame). Additionally thebody_frames
block must have animu
frame (with theirframe_id
each set to the frame_id of the sensor for your robot). -
If stereo factors are enabled, the frame of the left camera (note the frame_id) has to be specified in the
block in theleft_cam_frame
For the following options, SERPENT should be compiled with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to RelWithDebInfo
or Debug
. See build section.
Compile with:
catkin build serpent --verbose --cmake-args -DENABLE_GPROF=ON
Note that this option is cached, so needs to be turned OFF
in a subsequent compilation.
After running there will be a serpent.<pid>
file in ~/.ros/
roslaunch serpent serpent.launch use_gdb:=true
The following should be sufficient to run the program with callgrind.
roslaunch serpent serpent.launch use_callgrind:=true
However despite the launch exitting cleanly when interupting with CTRL+C
without callgrind, when running with callgrind it does not.
Using the --sigint-timeout=SIGINT_TIMEOUT
and --sigterm-timeout=SIGTERM_TIMEOUT
options ( was tried to give the program more time to shutdown cleanly, however this only very occasionally worked. Terminating the node through rosnode kill /serpent
was also only occasionally successful.
The only reliable method found so far of generating a valid output file is to use the callgrind_control --dump
command in a separate terminal.
The result can be visualised with:
kcachegrind ~/.ros/callgrind.serpent.<pid>.1
The .1
is present if callgrind was dumped.
Original Author: William Talbot (willat343)
Current Maintainer: William Talbot (willat343)