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Jean-Philippe Bruyère edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

namespace: Crow

Inheritance Hierarchy

  • DockWindow


public class DockWindow : Window


prototype description
DockWindow () __
DockWindow (Interface iface) __


name description
DockCommands __
DockingPosition __
FloatingConfigString __
FloatingGroup If null, the default container for the floating windows is the Interface. If a valid group is set, undocked windows will be contained in this widget, allowing multiple independant levels of dockable windows
FreezeDockState if true, current dock status (docked or undocked) is frozen, and trying to move the window will not trigger docking try.
IsDocked __
IsDockedInStack __
IsDockedInTabView __
IsFloating __


prototype description
DockWindow CreateFromFloatingConfigString(Interface iface, ReadOnlySpan< char > conf, object datasource=null) __
void onDrag(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs e) equivalent to mouse move for a dragged widget, no bubbling.
void onDrop(object sender, DragDropEventArgs e) __
void onMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) Default mouse button press method. The MouseDown event is raised from withing it.
void Undock() __


name description
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