Crowd-Geocoding: Geo-Crowdsourcing system for online geocoding services validation made with GeoDjango.
On some occasions, the available addresses of offices, restaurants, theaters, etc. published online are incorrect or incomplete. Making it difficult to get there. Help correct them!
Also, this system allows you to create a crowdsourcing task by uploading a CSV file and generate a database with addresses or place names to validate. Within a crowdsourcing task, the address selected by a volunteer (user) is geocoded by Google Maps, Bing Maps, MapQuest and OpenStreetMap (OSM) online APIs. The results of the geocoders are presented on a map for the user to explore and select the best result based on their knowledge of the geographic area. The volunteer can also suggest a location.
Geocoding services results example:
- User: DemoUser
- Password: DemoPassword
- Research article with more information: PDF