Labs for 5003 Deep Learning Practice course in summer term 2021 at NYCU.
Understand and implement simple neural networks with forwarding pass and backward propagation using only two hidden layers.
- Linear data accuracy: 99%
- XOR data accuracy: 100%
Implementing two EEG classification model which are EEGNet and DeepConvNet. Also, we are changing the activation function (ELU, ReLU, LeakyReLU) in the model and see the difference.
- EEGNet accuracy: 87.87%
- DeepConvNet accuracy: 76.48%
Analyze diabetic retinopathy using ResNet, compare the results of ResNet18, ResNet50, and both networks with pre-trained weights.
- ResNet50 with pretrained accuracy: 82.18%
- ResNet18 with pretrained accuracy: 79.24%
- ResNet50 w/o pretrained accuracy: 73.55%
- ResNet18 w/o pretrained accuracy: 73.35%
Implementing conditional seq2seq VAE for English tense conversion and generation.
monotonic KL annealing
- BLEU score: 0.8312
- Gaussian score: 0.472
cyclical KL annealing
- BLEU score: 0.9527
- Gaussian score: 0.452
Implement conditional GAN to generate synthetic images in multi-label conditions.
- SAGAN acc: 77.22%
- cDCGAN acc: 68.89%
- WGAN acc: 60.56%
Implement DQN and DDQN to solve LunarLander-v2. Implement DDPG to solve LunarLanderContinuous-v2.
- DQN average reward: 277
- DDPG average reward: 273
- DDQN average reward: 256