A python flask implementation of an SSO dashboard. OIDC for authentication and message bus for alert pipelines.
High Level Architecture Diagram of the Dashboard and related services. Diagram source is available in source available here.
Above is the dashboard prototype as it exists today. This screenshot will be updated as the dashboard UI evolves.
- Jake Watkins [:dividehex] jwatkins@mozilla.com
- Andrew Krug [:andrew] akrug@mozilla.com
- Flask
- Redis
- Jinja
- Flask-SSE
- Gunicorn
- MUI-CSS Framework
- Docker
- Server Side Events Security Alerts
- Control over what apps a user sees
- User profile editor
- Global Security Alerts
- IHaveBeenPwned Integration
All authentications are performed to auth0. Due to the nature of the Application this will be restricted to Mozilla LDAP login only until the "enriched profile" is complete.
This app does not technically provide authorization. It does however check a file using rule syntax to determine what applications should be in the users dashboard. The rule file exists in dashboard/data/apps.yml.
- application:
name: "Demo App 1"
op: okta
url: "https://foo.bar.com"
logo: "static/img/auth0.png"
authorized_users: []
authorized_groups: []
display: false
During authorization the app checks the users ldap group membership if a user is member of the required ldap group and it exists in their profile the user is shown the icon.
Note: The display false attribute will cause the app not to be displayed at all under any circumstance. This exists largely to facilitate dev apps or app staging and then taking apps live.
In order to add applications to the dashboard there is an apps.yml file and a logos directory that exists in the Mozilla-IAM github org.
These are the rules of the logos. They have to conform to some standards due to the fact they are in a responsive grid.
- Logos should be uploaded to s3 bucket
- Logos should 120px by 40px ( or same aspect )
- Logos should be .png
For more information on developing features for the sso-dashboard see the development guide.
This section gives an overview of the SSO Dashboard deployment, for a more detailed explanation check this document.
Single Sign On Dashboard (SSO Dashboard) runs in the AWS IAM account (320464205386) inside the production EKS cluster, however it uses resources in the infosec-prod
and infosec-dev
AWS accounts.
Currently the application is deployed into 3 different environments: dev, staging prod, each one running in the correspondent Kubernetes namespaces.
- Production environment can be reach at https://sso.mozilla.com
- Staging environment can be reached at https://staging.sso.mozilla.com
- Development environment can be reach at https://sso.allizom.org
The application deployment process is performed by AWS Codebuild following the instructions in the buildspec file, which is heavily dependent in this Makefile.
Deployments are automatically triggered after merging to different git braches:
- When a new merge to
branch happens, Codebuild will detect it and will run thesso-dashboard
job, effectively deploying the code to thedev
environment. - When a new merge to
branch happens, Codebuild will detect it and run thesso-dashboard
job, effectively deploying the code to theprod
Deployments history and logs of them can be seen in: AWS console -> Codebuild -> sso-dashboard direct link.