Incident response and forensic tool Thank you for your interest. Please contact author for other essential files required to run this tool.
- Parse and process triage output files, saving them in pgsql
- Process memory captures using volatility
- Parse and process volatility output files, saving them in pgsql
- Perform baseline, long tail analysis and correlation using above data, stored in pgsql
- Identify CVE vulnerabilities based on software applications installed
- Upload file hashes to VT and automatically process unknown files through cuckoo
- Spoofed email identifier
- Windows Log Parser
- Windows malicious document identifier
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Download Magneto Files from ""
- Install Python 2.7 (32 bit)
- Configure Python Path in Windows System Environment Variables
- Install PostgreSQL
- Go to PGAdmin, create server with the following setting
Name: "magneto"
Host name/Add: ""
User name: postgres
Password: kpmg@123 - Create "magneto" database within server
- Install all necessary python modules (i.e. Pandas, psycopg2) using pip
- Make sure that workstation has Powershell v4.0 and above installed
- Launch Ubuntu VM and process Memory (.raw) file using file. Dump Volatility output into the Evidence folder within each Incident folder.
- Process Event Logs using Windows Powershell (WINTEL.ps1) file.
- Run PROCESS_postTriage File (Outputs RegRipper, SRUM-DUMP, WebCache Files, MFT, JLECMD TSV File)
- Run file
- Run Baseline, ProcessDiff, ProcessNetworkConnections, AutoRunMerged, CVE Checker Python scripts
- Run Summary file
- Post Triage
python -d <Path to Incident folder> -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Submitting Incident Folders into Postgresql database
python -d <Path to Incident folder> -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Output Baseline
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Output Process Difference
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Output Process Network Connections
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Output Process Network Connections
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Output Merged AutoRun Paths
python -d <Path to Incident folder> -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
- Output cveChecker
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
python -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)> -t <Image Name (i.e. 20170117115236 - AERO Incident)
- Output Summary File
python -d <Path to Incident folder> -r <Output folder after running> -p <Project Name (i.e. RADIUM)>
python -d "E:\\" -r "F:\\magneto v2\\results\\ARGON" -p ARGON
cd <Magneto WINTEL folder>
.\WINTEL_WindowsLogParser-v?.ps1 -logPath <...\Evidence\Logs)> -project <ARGON>