#Poker Hand Sorter
This is a program about the Poker game.
The program is developed in the .NET Core 3.1 in Visual Studio 2019
- Open the solution in Visual Studio
- Check Debug>Poker Debug Properity, the Application arguement with the correct file path to the input file
- Open your terminal and go to the folder of the checkout code.
- Go to Poker\publish folder
- poker poker-hands.txt (Windows CMD) or .\Poker.exe .\poker-hands.txt for Powershell
- XUnit Test is developed for PlayerHand class only
- It covered the major test case only.
- Only Directory Not Found and File Not Found Error handling is implemented.
- No other error handling is implemented. It assume that input is always correct
- It did not check if the input file is in a valid format
- It did not check if the card input is correct, e.g. card can is existed in the both player
- It did not check if the card is valid a card (2-9, T, J, Q, K, A) and the Suit
- For those error, you will expect to see an exception which is not catched.